
3.20 missing linux code to compile

  • KenUnix

    KenUnix - 2019-11-04

    Version 3.20 I can not find the souce code for Linux Ubuntu?

  • AF5NE

    AF5NE - 2019-11-16


    The source code for all recent versions is hosted on SourceForge and is the same regardless of the platform.

    Many Unix flavors have provided a port/package for Bywater BASIC for twenty years. For example, FreeBSD has had a port/package for Bywater BASIC since Wed Aug 9 14:42:50 1995 UTC (24 years, 3 months ago).

    If you meant there isn't a port/package for your specific version of Unix, then that is something you'll have to contact your Unix vendor (Ubuntu) about -- it was probably an unintentional oversight. Usuaaly, the port/package collections are maintained by volunteers, so please ask nicely and be patient.

  • KenUnix

    KenUnix - 2019-12-14

    Solved. Close.


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