
Reading from STDIN in Linux

  • KenUnix

    KenUnix - 2021-08-05

    With bwbasic is there a way to detect end of file when reading from command line like

    cat XXX | bwbasic program.bas

    When XXX is exhausted bwbasic exits. Can that be caught so processing can be done?


    • Paul Edwards

      Paul Edwards - 2021-08-05

      How does a BASIC program read from stdin?

      Presumably some sort of INPUT X$

      What happens when ctrl-D or whatever is hit when
      an INPUT X$ is in effect?

      This should be part of the BASIC language. If you can
      write a standard BASIC program and check for the
      EOF condition, you can see if bwbasic works properly.
      If it doesn’t, I can investigate that.

      BFN. Paul.

      From: KenUnix
      Sent: Friday, August 6, 2021 12:47 AM
      To: [bwbasic:discussion]
      Subject: [bwbasic:discussion] Reading from STDIN in Linux

      With bwbasic is there a way to detect end of file when reading from command line like

      cat XXX | bwbasic program.bas

      When XXX is exhausted bwbasic exits. Can that be caught so processing can be done?


      Reading from STDIN in Linux

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      • KenUnix

        KenUnix - 2021-08-05


        Linux. A file called xxx as an example has an unknown number of lines or ls

        You do

        ls -1 | bwbasic program.bas or

        cat xxx | bwbasic program.bas

        In either case bwbasic exits at end on input without the program being able
        to do for example sum the results.

        The program for testing is simple

        100 print "start"
        102 let l = 0
        120 line input a$
        122 let l = l +1
        130 print l , a$
        140 goto 120
        200 rem print "total " , l

        Via the program how could I get to 200?


        On Thu, Aug 5, 2021, 12:42 PM Paul Edwards

        How does a BASIC program read from stdin?

        Presumably some sort of INPUT X$

        What happens when ctrl-D or whatever is hit when
        an INPUT X$ is in effect?

        This should be part of the BASIC language. If you can
        write a standard BASIC program and check for the
        EOF condition, you can see if bwbasic works properly.
        If it doesn’t, I can investigate that.

        BFN. Paul.

        From: KenUnix
        Sent: Friday, August 6, 2021 12:47 AM
        To: [bwbasic:discussion]
        Subject: [bwbasic:discussion] Reading from STDIN in Linux

        With bwbasic is there a way to detect end of file when reading from
        command line like

        cat XXX | bwbasic program.bas

        When XXX is exhausted bwbasic exits. Can that be caught so processing can
        be done?


        Reading from STDIN in Linux

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        Reading from STDIN in Linux

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        • Paul Edwards

          Paul Edwards - 2021-08-05

          The program for testing is simple
          100 print "start"
          102 let l = 0
          120 line input a$
          122 let l = l +1
          130 print l , a$
          140 goto 120
          200 rem print "total " , l

          Via the program how could I get to 200?

          This is a function of the BASIC programming language,

          not bwbasic in particular. How do other BASIC interpreters

          do it, and what does the BASIC standard say to do?

          BFN. Paul.

          • KenUnix

            KenUnix - 2021-08-05

            It really doesn't say. I would investigate it but on sourceforgenet the
            source is gone.


            On Thu, Aug 5, 2021, 1:28 PM Paul Edwards

            The program for testing is simple
            100 print "start"
            102 let l = 0
            120 line input a$
            122 let l = l +1
            130 print l , a$
            140 goto 120
            200 rem print "total " , l

            Via the program how could I get to 200?

            This is a function of the BASIC programming language,

            not bwbasic in particular. How do other BASIC interpreters

            do it, and what does the BASIC standard say to do?

            BFN. Paul.

            Reading from STDIN in Linux

            Sent from because you indicated interest in <

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            • Paul Edwards

              Paul Edwards - 2021-08-05

              What do you mean the source is gone?

              At this link:


              you will find which contains the
              complete source code for bwbasic if that is what
              you are talking about.

              And what do you mean “it really doesn’t say”? Are you
              talking about the BASIC standard? Maybe it requires a
              user-defined sentinel for all input files, or maybe there
              is some sort of “on EOF goto xxx” statement.

              Which BASIC standard did you look up?

              I checked DOCS\ECMA-55.txt but didn’t find any mention
              of EOF.

              BFN. Paul.

              From: KenUnix
              Sent: Friday, August 6, 2021 3:47 AM
              To: [bwbasic:discussion]
              Subject: [bwbasic:discussion] Re: Reading from STDIN in Linux

              It really doesn't say. I would investigate it but on sourceforgenet the
              source is gone.


              On Thu, Aug 5, 2021, 1:28 PM Paul Edwards

              The program for testing is simple
              100 print "start"
              102 let l = 0
              120 line input a$
              122 let l = l +1
              130 print l , a$
              140 goto 120
              200 rem print "total " , l
              Via the program how could I get to 200?

              This is a function of the BASIC programming language,

              not bwbasic in particular. How do other BASIC interpreters

              do it, and what does the BASIC standard say to do?

              BFN. Paul.

              Reading from STDIN in Linux

              Sent from because you indicated interest in <

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              Reading from STDIN in Linux

              Sent from because you indicated interest in

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              • KenUnix

                KenUnix - 2021-08-05


                That link points to a zip file that only contains TEST basic programs not
                the source for bwbasic itself.


                On Thu, Aug 5, 2021 at 2:25 PM Paul Edwards wrote:

                What do you mean the source is gone?

                At this link:


                you will find which contains the
                complete source code for bwbasic if that is what
                you are talking about.

                And what do you mean “it really doesn’t say”? Are you
                talking about the BASIC standard? Maybe it requires a
                user-defined sentinel for all input files, or maybe there
                is some sort of “on EOF goto xxx” statement.

                Which BASIC standard did you look up?

                I checked DOCS\ECMA-55.txt but didn’t find any mention
                of EOF.

                BFN. Paul.

                From: KenUnix
                Sent: Friday, August 6, 2021 3:47 AM
                To: [bwbasic:discussion]
                Subject: [bwbasic:discussion] Re: Reading from STDIN in Linux

                It really doesn't say. I would investigate it but on sourceforgenet the
                source is gone.


                On Thu, Aug 5, 2021, 1:28 PM Paul Edwards

                The program for testing is simple
                100 print "start"
                102 let l = 0
                120 line input a$
                122 let l = l +1
                130 print l , a$
                140 goto 120
                200 rem print "total " , l
                Via the program how could I get to 200?

                This is a function of the BASIC programming language,

                not bwbasic in particular. How do other BASIC interpreters

                do it, and what does the BASIC standard say to do?

                BFN. Paul.

                Reading from STDIN in Linux

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                Reading from STDIN in Linux

                Sent from because you indicated interest in

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                Reading from STDIN in Linux

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                End of line
                JOB TERMINATED

                • Paul Edwards

                  Paul Edwards - 2021-08-05

                  Hi Ken.

                  The link points to two zip files and one executable.

                  The zip file that I named (the last file), contains the
                  complete source code (I just downloaded it to verify):

                  C:\Users\kerra\Downloads>unzip -v | grep -i bwb_
                  230584 Defl:X 29723 87% 2017-06-08 11:20 92258688 bwb_cmd.c
                  43588 Defl:X 6868 84% 2017-06-08 11:20 024193c6 bwb_cnd.c
                  27655 Defl:X 3682 87% 2017-06-08 11:20 3a6b8d86 bwb_dio.c
                  93086 Defl:X 13815 85% 2017-06-08 11:20 0db5d2a8 bwb_exp.c
                  99685 Defl:X 15050 85% 2017-06-08 11:20 0fbd374b bwb_fnc.c
                  82700 Defl:X 12096 85% 2017-06-08 11:20 a0af1d76 bwb_inp.c
                  88463 Defl:X 13823 84% 2017-06-08 11:20 10101ede bwb_int.c
                  68351 Defl:X 12741 81% 2017-06-08 11:20 a69f5bed bwb_prn.c
                  40144 Defl:X 7623 81% 2017-06-08 11:20 f6535cfc bwb_stc.c
                  18597 Defl:X 4573 75% 2017-06-08 11:20 d713f94f bwb_str.c
                  66741 Defl:X 4291 94% 2017-06-08 11:20 8f20e03f bwb_tbl.c
                  110146 Defl:X 15646 86% 2017-06-08 11:20 f4870be9 bwb_var.c

                  Please let me know if that is still insufficient.

                  Thanks. Paul.

                  From: KenUnix
                  Sent: Friday, August 6, 2021 8:22 AM
                  To: [bwbasic:discussion]
                  Subject: [bwbasic:discussion] Re: Reading from STDIN in Linux


                  That link points to a zip file that only contains TEST basic programs not
                  the source for bwbasic itself.


                  On Thu, Aug 5, 2021 at 2:25 PM Paul Edwards wrote:

                  What do you mean the source is gone?

                  At this link:


                  you will find which contains the
                  complete source code for bwbasic if that is what
                  you are talking about.

                  And what do you mean “it really doesn’t say”? Are you
                  talking about the BASIC standard? Maybe it requires a
                  user-defined sentinel for all input files, or maybe there
                  is some sort of “on EOF goto xxx” statement.

                  Which BASIC standard did you look up?

                  I checked DOCS\ECMA-55.txt but didn’t find any mention
                  of EOF.

                  BFN. Paul.

                  From: KenUnix
                  Sent: Friday, August 6, 2021 3:47 AM
                  To: [bwbasic:discussion]
                  Subject: [bwbasic:discussion] Re: Reading from STDIN in Linux

                  It really doesn't say. I would investigate it but on sourceforgenet the
                  source is gone.


                  On Thu, Aug 5, 2021, 1:28 PM Paul Edwards

                  The program for testing is simple
                  100 print "start"
                  102 let l = 0
                  120 line input a$
                  122 let l = l +1
                  130 print l , a$
                  140 goto 120
                  200 rem print "total " , l

                  Via the program how could I get to 200?
                  This is a function of the BASIC programming language,

                  not bwbasic in particular. How do other BASIC interpreters

                  do it, and what does the BASIC standard say to do?

                  BFN. Paul.

                  Reading from STDIN in Linux

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                  Reading from STDIN in Linux

                  Sent from because you indicated interest in

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                  Reading from STDIN in Linux

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                  JOB TERMINATED

                  Reading from STDIN in Linux

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                  • KenUnix

                    KenUnix - 2021-08-06


                    Sorry I missed your message. That zip file is complete. Thanks.

                    On Thu, Aug 5, 2021 at 6:33 PM Paul Edwards wrote:

                    Hi Ken.

                    The link points to two zip files and one executable.

                    The zip file that I named (the last file), contains the
                    complete source code (I just downloaded it to verify):

                    C:\Users\kerra\Downloads>unzip -v | grep -i bwb_
                    230584 Defl:X 29723 87% 2017-06-08 11:20 92258688 bwb_cmd.c
                    43588 Defl:X 6868 84% 2017-06-08 11:20 024193c6 bwb_cnd.c
                    27655 Defl:X 3682 87% 2017-06-08 11:20 3a6b8d86 bwb_dio.c
                    93086 Defl:X 13815 85% 2017-06-08 11:20 0db5d2a8 bwb_exp.c
                    99685 Defl:X 15050 85% 2017-06-08 11:20 0fbd374b bwb_fnc.c
                    82700 Defl:X 12096 85% 2017-06-08 11:20 a0af1d76 bwb_inp.c
                    88463 Defl:X 13823 84% 2017-06-08 11:20 10101ede bwb_int.c
                    68351 Defl:X 12741 81% 2017-06-08 11:20 a69f5bed bwb_prn.c
                    40144 Defl:X 7623 81% 2017-06-08 11:20 f6535cfc bwb_stc.c
                    18597 Defl:X 4573 75% 2017-06-08 11:20 d713f94f bwb_str.c
                    66741 Defl:X 4291 94% 2017-06-08 11:20 8f20e03f bwb_tbl.c
                    110146 Defl:X 15646 86% 2017-06-08 11:20 f4870be9 bwb_var.c

                    Please let me know if that is still insufficient.

                    Thanks. Paul.

                    From: KenUnix
                    Sent: Friday, August 6, 2021 8:22 AM
                    To: [bwbasic:discussion]
                    Subject: [bwbasic:discussion] Re: Reading from STDIN in Linux


                    That link points to a zip file that only contains TEST basic programs not
                    the source for bwbasic itself.


                    On Thu, Aug 5, 2021 at 2:25 PM Paul Edwards

                    What do you mean the source is gone?

                    At this link:


                    you will find which contains the
                    complete source code for bwbasic if that is what
                    you are talking about.

                    And what do you mean “it really doesn’t say”? Are you
                    talking about the BASIC standard? Maybe it requires a
                    user-defined sentinel for all input files, or maybe there
                    is some sort of “on EOF goto xxx” statement.

                    Which BASIC standard did you look up?

                    I checked DOCS\ECMA-55.txt but didn’t find any mention
                    of EOF.

                    BFN. Paul.

                    From: KenUnix
                    Sent: Friday, August 6, 2021 3:47 AM
                    To: [bwbasic:discussion]
                    Subject: [bwbasic:discussion] Re: Reading from STDIN in Linux

                    It really doesn't say. I would investigate it but on sourceforgenet the
                    source is gone.


                    On Thu, Aug 5, 2021, 1:28 PM Paul Edwards

                    The program for testing is simple
                    100 print "start"
                    102 let l = 0
                    120 line input a$
                    122 let l = l +1
                    130 print l , a$
                    140 goto 120
                    200 rem print "total " , l

                    Via the program how could I get to 200?
                    This is a function of the BASIC programming language,

                    not bwbasic in particular. How do other BASIC interpreters

                    do it, and what does the BASIC standard say to do?

                    BFN. Paul.

                    Reading from STDIN in Linux

                    Sent from because you indicated interest in <

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                    Reading from STDIN in Linux

                    Sent from because you indicated interest in

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                    Reading from STDIN in Linux

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                    End of line
                    JOB TERMINATED

                    Reading from STDIN in Linux

                    Sent from because you indicated interest in

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                    Reading from STDIN in Linux

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                    End of line
                    JOB TERMINATED

  • KenUnix

    KenUnix - 2021-08-06

    Thanks for pointing me in the right direction. Sorry for the delay I missed your post.

    Have you ever compiled this or ran this under Linux?

    Are you the current maintainer? I have seen this before
    and have fixes so no errors are generated when
    compiling under Linux.


    • Paul Edwards

      Paul Edwards - 2021-08-07

      Hi Ken.

      I only compile under Windows, not Linux.

      Yes, I am the current maintainer.

      Note that the previous fixes you sent me have been
      incorporated into the source code but not yet formally
      released. However, there is a beta release available with
      your fixes (plus other things) which can be found in from

      Please let me know if you need anything else to debug
      the issue.

      Thanks. Paul.

      From: KenUnix
      Sent: Saturday, August 7, 2021 9:02 AM
      To: [bwbasic:discussion]
      Subject: [bwbasic:discussion] Reading from STDIN in Linux

      Thanks for pointing me in the right direction. Sorry for the delay I missed your post.

      Have you ever compiled this or ran this under Linux?

      Are you the current maintainer? I have seen this before
      and have fixes so no errors are generated when
      compiling under Linux.


      Reading from STDIN in Linux

      Sent from because you indicated interest in

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      • KenUnix

        KenUnix - 2021-08-19


        I have been doing a lot of work on the renum program.

        It has a lot of short comings. Most all have been corrected.

        You can actually renumber a bwbasic program by specifying starting line #
        and increment. Great when you run out of line numbers or to make the
        listing look neater. It now handles among others ON X GOTO or GOSUB
        x,xx,xx,xx. PRINT. among others.

        I am trying to validate it's operation. You know look for bugs.

        Can you email me with attachments of complex or simple bwbasic programs to

        Any programs would be kept in confidence and deleted after the tests.

        Once I am happy I will shoot you the latest version.

        You would only have to execute a batch file for Windows assuming you have
        gcc or for Linux do a gcc renum.c -o renum


        On Fri, Aug 6, 2021 at 8:04 PM Paul Edwards wrote:

        Hi Ken.

        I only compile under Windows, not Linux.

        Yes, I am the current maintainer.

        Note that the previous fixes you sent me have been
        incorporated into the source code but not yet formally
        released. However, there is a beta release available with
        your fixes (plus other things) which can be found in from

        Please let me know if you need anything else to debug
        the issue.

        Thanks. Paul.

        From: KenUnix
        Sent: Saturday, August 7, 2021 9:02 AM
        To: [bwbasic:discussion]
        Subject: [bwbasic:discussion] Reading from STDIN in Linux

        Thanks for pointing me in the right direction. Sorry for the delay I
        missed your post.

        Have you ever compiled this or ran this under Linux?

        Are you the current maintainer? I have seen this before
        and have fixes so no errors are generated when
        compiling under Linux.


        Reading from STDIN in Linux

        Sent from because you indicated interest in

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        End of line

        • Paul Edwards

          Paul Edwards - 2021-08-19

          Hi Ken.

          Thanks for contributing work to bwbasic

          Are the things in bwbasic-tests*.zip here:


          Note that I don’t have any BASIC programs myself.
          I’m a C programmer, not a BASIC programmer.

          BFN. Paul.

          From: KenUnix
          Sent: Thursday, August 19, 2021 10:28 AM
          To: [bwbasic:discussion]
          Subject: [bwbasic:discussion] Re: Reading from STDIN in Linux


          I have been doing a lot of work on the renum program.

          It has a lot of short comings. Most all have been corrected.

          You can actually renumber a bwbasic program by specifying starting line #
          and increment. Great when you run out of line numbers or to make the
          listing look neater. It now handles among others ON X GOTO or GOSUB
          x,xx,xx,xx. PRINT. among others.

          I am trying to validate it's operation. You know look for bugs.

          Can you email me with attachments of complex or simple bwbasic programs to

          Any programs would be kept in confidence and deleted after the tests.

          Once I am happy I will shoot you the latest version.

          You would only have to execute a batch file for Windows assuming you have
          gcc or for Linux do a gcc renum.c -o renum


          On Fri, Aug 6, 2021 at 8:04 PM Paul Edwards wrote:

          Hi Ken.

          I only compile under Windows, not Linux.

          Yes, I am the current maintainer.

          Note that the previous fixes you sent me have been
          incorporated into the source code but not yet formally
          released. However, there is a beta release available with
          your fixes (plus other things) which can be found in

          Please let me know if you need anything else to debug
          the issue.

          Thanks. Paul.

          From: KenUnix
          Sent: Saturday, August 7, 2021 9:02 AM
          To: [bwbasic:discussion]
          Subject: [bwbasic:discussion] Reading from STDIN in Linux

          Thanks for pointing me in the right direction. Sorry for the delay I
          missed your post.

          Have you ever compiled this or ran this under Linux?

          Are you the current maintainer? I have seen this before
          and have fixes so no errors are generated when
          compiling under Linux.


          Reading from STDIN in Linux

          Sent from because you indicated interest in

          To unsubscribe from further messages, please visit

          Reading from STDIN in Linux

          Sent from because you indicated interest in <

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          End of line

          Reading from STDIN in Linux

          Sent from because you indicated interest in

          To unsubscribe from further messages, please visit

  • KenUnix

    KenUnix - 2021-08-18


    I have been doing a lot of work on the renum program.

    It has a lot of short comings. Most all have been corrected.

    You can actually renumber a bwbasic program by specifying starting line # and increment. Great when you run out of line numbers or to make the listing look neater. It now handles among others ON X GOTO or GOSUB x,xx,xx,xx. PRINT. among others.

    I am trying to validate it's operation. You know look for bugs.

    Can you email me with attachments of complex or simple bwbasic programs to validate?

    Any programs would be kept in confidence and deleted after the tests.

    Once I am happy I will shoot you the latest version.

    You would only have to execute a batch file for Windows assuming you have gcc or for Linux do a gcc renum.c -o renum


  • KenUnix

    KenUnix - 2021-12-17


    I have uploaded into the support area new versions of bwbasic
    and a new renum2 which replaces renum. renum2 was a total rewrite
    addressing short comings of renum.

    Your will also find a bwbasic for the Mac OS X Amd64
    and Windows 7 32 bit up to Windows 11 64bit i386, Linux Arm64 and Linux Amd64.

    These changes and additions will bring the version up to 3.20f and can be placed
    in the files area.


    • Paul Edwards

      Paul Edwards - 2021-12-17

      Hi Ken.

      I didn’t see any source code to merge.

      Note that the latest (beta) source code is in
      at and contains your previous changes.

      BFN. Paul.

      From: KenUnix
      Sent: Friday, December 17, 2021 11:39 AM
      To: [bwbasic:discussion]
      Subject: [bwbasic:discussion] Reading from STDIN in Linux


      I have uploaded into the support area new versions of bwbasic
      and a new renum2 which replaces renum. renum2 was a total rewrite
      addressing short comings of renum.

      Your will also find a bwbasic for the Mac OS X Amd64
      and Windows 7 32 bit up to Windows 11 64bit i386, Linux Arm64 and Linux Amd64.

      These changes and additions will bring the version up to 3.20f and can be placed
      in the files area.


      Reading from STDIN in Linux

      Sent from because you indicated interest in

      To unsubscribe from further messages, please visit

      This email has been checked for viruses by AVG.

      • KenUnix

        KenUnix - 2021-12-19


        I supplied binaries for multiple OS from Linux to Windows to Mac.

        What exactly do you need to add these on SFN under files?

        Categorized for Linux, Windows, and the Mac (new). renum2 is a complete
        rewrite of renum fixing many short comings. And it actually works!


        On Thu, Dec 16, 2021, 10:04 PM Paul Edwards wrote:

        Hi Ken.

        I didn’t see any source code to merge.

        Note that the latest (beta) source code is in
        at and contains your previous changes.

        BFN. Paul.

        From: KenUnix
        Sent: Friday, December 17, 2021 11:39 AM
        To: [bwbasic:discussion]
        Subject: [bwbasic:discussion] Reading from STDIN in Linux


        I have uploaded into the support area new versions of bwbasic
        and a new renum2 which replaces renum. renum2 was a total rewrite
        addressing short comings of renum.

        Your will also find a bwbasic for the Mac OS X Amd64
        and Windows 7 32 bit up to Windows 11 64bit i386, Linux Arm64 and Linux

        These changes and additions will bring the version up to 3.20f and can be
        in the files area.


        Reading from STDIN in Linux

        Sent from because you indicated interest in

        To unsubscribe from further messages, please visit

        This email has been checked for viruses by AVG.

        Reading from STDIN in Linux

        Sent from because you indicated interest in <>

        To unsubscribe from further messages, please visit <>

        • Paul Edwards

          Paul Edwards - 2021-12-20

          Hi Ken.

          It is a condition of the bwbasic license that any binaries
          need to have accompanying source code. I haven’t seen
          any source code. And then I need to review that source
          code. And then I need to merge it. I’m not promising to
          cut a new release based on these changes though.

          BFN. Paul.

          From: KenUnix
          Sent: Monday, December 20, 2021 3:15 AM
          To: [bwbasic:discussion]
          Subject: [bwbasic:discussion] Re: Reading from STDIN in Linux


          I supplied binaries for multiple OS from Linux to Windows to Mac.

          What exactly do you need to add these on SFN under files?

          Categorized for Linux, Windows, and the Mac (new). renum2 is a complete
          rewrite of renum fixing many short comings. And it actually works!


          On Thu, Dec 16, 2021, 10:04 PM Paul Edwards wrote:

          Hi Ken.

          I didn’t see any source code to merge.

          Note that the latest (beta) source code is in
          at and contains your previous changes.

          BFN. Paul.

          From: KenUnix
          Sent: Friday, December 17, 2021 11:39 AM
          To: [bwbasic:discussion]
          Subject: [bwbasic:discussion] Reading from STDIN in Linux


          I have uploaded into the support area new versions of bwbasic
          and a new renum2 which replaces renum. renum2 was a total rewrite
          addressing short comings of renum.

          Your will also find a bwbasic for the Mac OS X Amd64
          and Windows 7 32 bit up to Windows 11 64bit i386, Linux Arm64 and Linux

          These changes and additions will bring the version up to 3.20f and can be
          in the files area.


          Reading from STDIN in Linux

          Sent from because you indicated interest in

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          This email has been checked for viruses by AVG.

          Reading from STDIN in Linux

          Sent from because you indicated interest in <

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          Reading from STDIN in Linux

          Sent from because you indicated interest in

          To unsubscribe from further messages, please visit

          This email has been checked for viruses by AVG.


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