
butter / News: Recent posts


Multithreading is slowly beginning to work properly, including the synchronization stuff.

I added Constructor/Destructor (check

Posted by stepan rutz 2001-07-31


autoconf/automake are added now. some open questions remain ... mostly ... how to check for c++ headers ?

Posted by stepan rutz 2001-05-16

Started profiling support

Profiling support is started, as well as a major enhancement was made to declaration-syntax. you can now say int i,j; instead of the old int i; int j;

Posted by stepan rutz 2001-05-11

HP Unix tested as well

Hp Unix 11.00 64bit (as always with GNU tools) has been tested and it went right through. only had to include <cstddef > cause of a bug in the g++ on 64 bit hpunix boxes, that has got nothing to do with this project, its all hp's fault :)

Posted by stepan rutz 2001-05-10

Constant Expression-Folding

Constant expressions are now eliminated and replaced by their result. This is true of purely constant arithmetic expressions true. Any non constant operand will break this for the entire expression tree above it. This is a naive (but secure and easy to implement) approach.

Posted by stepan rutz 2001-05-10

Anonymous CVS access

If you want to look at the stuff, use anonymous
CVS access please. There is no file releases at
this early stage.

Posted by stepan rutz 2001-05-05

Short Info

Since Butter is in the making, it doesnt make sense to release any project files at his early
point in developement. Check out the latest version from CVS. I try not to commit an unuseable version to CVS. Of course there isnt much testing right now.

Greetings, Stepan

Posted by stepan rutz 2001-05-05