
Burstsort / News: Recent posts

Burstsort 2.0 Released!

Burstsort is a library for sorting strings, and is currently the fastest algorithm for doing so, being much faster than Quicksort and Radix sort. It has applications to computational linguistics, genomics, and many other areas of science where sorting strings is required.

The second version of Burstsort improves on the original. It is faster, easier to read, contains no memory leaks, and permits input of strings in any language!

Posted by Anonymous 2007-08-04

Burstsort 1.0 Released!

Burstsort is a library for sorting strings, and is currently the fastest algorithm for doing so, being much faster than Quicksort and Radixsort. It has applications to computational linguistics, genomics, and many other areas of science where sorting strings is required.

Posted by Anonymous 2007-05-29