
#23 Use ECMA-116 max line length in extended mode

ECMA55 v1.8
Doug Kearns

I've been using the ECMA-116 line length limit of 132 in my build and it occurred to me that perhaps that would be suitable as a standard extensions feature?



Bugs: #23


  • Gatewood Ham

    Gatewood Ham - 2021-06-28

    It's not a standard feature are part of -X, but you can use -w -X
    together to get 132 columns with extensions. The way to do it easiest


    and if you know any bash you could make a custom BASICCWX pretty
    easily. The -w -X (and -w -s -X) tests still have a few problems,
    which is why this hasn't been added yet. I'm confident the code works
    and the tests need tweaking, but before I make it truly recommended I
    want the self-tests to pass with those settings. I'm working on it,
    but its an after-hours project so progress is a bit slow...

    Most of the code can actually work with an arbitary number of columns,
    but the TAB(), comma, and semicolon with PRINT runtime code probably
    isn't robust enough for anytyhing but 80 and 132 columns right now.

    You do know about bas55, right? It's an interpreted implementation of
    Minimal BASIC that you might want to test against. The URL for that

    The bas55 implementation has the advantage of working on Windows, but
    his handling of PRINT with TAB, comma, and semi-colon is slightly
    different. The ECMA-55 specification allows that.


    On 6/27/21, Doug Kearns wrote:

    [bugs:#23] Use ECMA-116 max line length in extended mode

    Status: open
    Group: ECMA55 v1.8
    Created: Sat Jun 26, 2021 05:21 PM UTC by Doug Kearns
    Last Updated: Sat Jun 26, 2021 05:21 PM UTC
    Owner: nobody

    I've been using the ECMA-116 line length limit of 132 in my build and it
    occurred to me that perhaps that would be suitable as a standard extensions


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    Bugs: #23

  • Gatewood Ham

    Gatewood Ham - 2021-06-29
    • assigned_to: Gatewood Ham
  • Gatewood Ham

    Gatewood Ham - 2021-06-29

    The -w and -X flags can both be specified together to get this behavior. However, the self-testing isn't ready for this. I am working on it.

  • Gatewood Ham

    Gatewood Ham - 2021-06-30

    I haven't heard back anything yet. Are you wanting 132 columns of Minimal BASIC source code on input? Now that I haven't even thought about. The -w option is for 132 column output.

  • Doug Kearns

    Doug Kearns - 2021-07-01

    Yes, I was proposing support for the longer input line length.

    It's not difficult to run up against the current limit and it's the only time, for me, that it doesn't feel cool to be trapped in 1978.

  • Gatewood Ham

    Gatewood Ham - 2021-07-02

    Ok, I'll add supporting 132 columns of input at the top of my TODO list. Sorry about the misunderstanding, but I'm sure the project is better for me having added testing for the 132 columns of output mode which I thought you wanted.

  • Gatewood Ham

    Gatewood Ham - 2021-07-05

    Ok, with revision 96ce7d6ecd96fcb4a87a15ce1afab769258aade7 from git, look in the INSTALL file at the end. This describes how to create and test a version of ecma55 that accepts up to 132 columns of input and generates 132 column output and supports extensions.

    Please let me know if this works for you and does what you wanted or not.

  • Doug Kearns

    Doug Kearns - 2021-07-06

    It does, thanks.

    However, what I was specifically proposing was including this support in extended mode itself. So it would be enabled with -X.

    There may be good reasons not to do that but it seemed to me that extended mode was slowly adding Full BASIC features and I thought that this might be a reasonably uncontroversial one to add. I may also, of course, be misunderstanding the purpose of extended mode.


  • Gatewood Ham

    Gatewood Ham - 2021-07-07
    1. Extended mode is basically a mode for any features that are not included in ECMA-55. It isn't really aiming for ECMA-116 compliance (ECMA-116 is very ambitious and I know of no actual implementatoins that implement everything).

    2. I have a lot of static buffers in the C code, and they require a const value in the declaration for the size. Yes, I could convert them all to using malloc, but it would be a major effort. I'm not saying no, I'm just saying not now. Allocation is easy, but getting the deallocation correct in every case will be tricky. I'll add it to the TODO list so it won't be forgotten. Realistically it'll be months before I get to that, but since you asked, I do plan to do it for you. Just please be patient for a little while....


    Last edit: Gatewood Ham 2021-07-07
  • Gatewood Ham

    Gatewood Ham - 2021-07-07
    • status: open --> closed-postponed

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