
The bumbling system / News: Recent posts

chomski the parse language

Despite a lack of recent coding activity, the chomski system continues in active developement. Chomski is a language which is
designed to parse and transform context free languages. Like the sed stream editor it is based on a simple virtual machine with text
registers including a stack and a tape structure.

Bumble also hosts other various scripts, including an attempt to
write a human language tutor program. This attempt will be
reactivated using the tcl tk system to write a graphical tutor
program with sound support and unicode string display.

Posted by mjb 2009-03-17

c implementation

a reasonably promising implementation of
the parse language has been "nearly" completed.
The implementation has been compiled with
the tiny c compiler and is only about 20k.
the implementation is currently called "chomski"
and is located in the machine/c directory

Posted by mjb 2007-11-19

change of direction

The bumble system changed its primary goal
in april 2007 from being an attempt to write
a minimalist-markup-plain-text documentation generation system, to being a kind of "parsing scripting language" with some similarities and ideas from the sed stream editor ( A first implementation was written in java and another is being written in c++. the system has been compiled on an ms-windows computer, but should not be specific in any way to that os. Some of the executables currently work, but the system is still definitely alpha/beta. reasonable docs are available at

Posted by mjb 2007-05-07

The bumble system just started

Dear people,

I have just begun the bumble project on
sourceforge and have not yet even uploaded
any source files or anything else.

The source code for the bumble system can
be seen at
with the file bumble-system.tar.gz containing all
of the code. The code requires a few alterations
in order for it to start working as a wiki.

One alteration is that the reference to a global
variable file, which every script contains must be
altered to point to the file location of the file
on the sourceforge server. In the source code
there are many mentions if things starting with
the name 'retrovox' which was the original company
for whom I developed this wiki
and all these references need to be eventually
changed. That could be quite a big job.... read more

Posted by mjb 2004-10-01