Michael Felt - 2015-03-10

I have been making improvements, new features, bug corrections, etc. since I started this project. Those were all what I would call 1.0.X versions. While starting on 1.0.11 and doing more with gnu projects I decided it was time to change my default naming scheme and really use the PACKAGE (actually PROGRAM) part of the LPP name.

LPP is short for Licensed Program Product - and in this sense the 'Program' will be "buildaix",
The default Product will be come for the either the direct sub-directory (..) or the 'grand-parent sub-directory (../..). The next parts are the FILESET, EXTENSION and VRMF. FILESET and VRMF come from the current directory - and extensions .man, .share, and .rte are created by buildaix.

This is different from 1.0.X because, in general practice the LPPname was -
Program="aixtools", Product (Not used), Fileset, Extension and VRMF - in short, in terms of how AIX saw things the Program 'aixtools' had lots of unrelated 'products'.

In short, starting with version 1.1.0 there product categories such as gnu, openbsd, sourceforge, etc will be supported - even it is to merely hint at where the sources came from. With regard to gnu though it makes much more sense to package buildaix.gnu.gettext and buildaix.gnu.glib in a single LPP file - whereas before two would be expected.