
Bugzilla C/C++ XML-RPC proxy / News: Recent posts

Release 0.0.3 has hit the streets!!!

Release 0.0.3

Bugzc is feature complete, which means that all Bugzilla::Webservice
namespaces have been coded, however, only stable and experimental methods
have been implemented.
In the next release we will see implementation of unstable interfaces for
the ones who really need it.
Completed namespaces and matching methods are:

Bugzilla Method Bugzc equivalent
* version => bugzc_bugzilla_version
* timezone => bugzc_bugzilla_timezone... read more

Posted by Juan V. Guerrero 2007-08-06

Version 0.0.2 released

mainly a bug fix release, it seems I forgot to package some files and the build environment was not complete.

Posted by Juan V. Guerrero 2007-07-26

Bugzilla C/C++ XML-RPC proxy version 0.0.1 released

This is a minor not feature-complete release, it only has the C bindings and no C++ support yet, currently you can only do a few things with it like:
* Retrieve bugzilla server installation version
* Retrieve bugzilla server installation timezone
* Login/logout to/from the Bugzilla server
* Retrieve a list of field values for a specific field in a specific product
* Submit a bug to the server

Posted by Juan V. Guerrero 2007-07-26