
Buffer Synth 2 / News: Recent posts

Buffer Synth 2 v1.03 released

Buffer Synth 2 is a VST plugin (for Windows and OS X) designed to allow manipulation of two buffers in a number of ways. It could be considered as a cross between a simplistic wavetable synthesizer and GRM Tools' Freeze plugin.

This version fixes a bug where some hosts on OS X would hang when you try and open the editor.

Posted by NiallM 2005-03-20

Buffer Synth 2 v1.02 released

Buffer Synth 2 is a VST plugin (for Windows and OS X) designed to allow manipulation of two buffers in a number of ways. It could be considered as a cross between a simplistic wavetable synthesizer and GRM Tools' Freeze plugin.

I tidied up some of the gui code for this one, but it's a relatively minor update. I'm afraid I really messed up the cvs, so you'll just have to get the source for the plugin from the source zip (it contains everything that would have been in the cvs anyway).

Posted by NiallM 2005-03-15

Buffer Synth 2 v1.01 released

Buffer Synth 2 is a VST plugin (for Windows and OS X) designed to allow manipulation of two buffers in a number of ways. It could be considered as a cross between a simplistic wavetable synthesizer and GRM Tools' Freeze plugin.

Note on the CVS: I messed this up a bit, and there are two modules - "Buffer Synth 2" and "BufferSynth2". You want "BufferSynth2" (i.e. no spaces), the other one has some of the files, but not all of them. Sorry...

Posted by NiallM 2005-03-09