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Cheng  Luo

Welcome to BuddyFix - the Social and Location based application on Samsung bada platform!

This Wiki is intended to help you to understand this open source project and get involved with this project. Currently BuddyFix is only an application written by Samsung engineers at SERI (Samsung Electronics Research Institute) in UK. But what we want to do is to provide open atmosphere and playgrounds for these open source developers and enthusiasts. Although bada platform is not an open source platform, but you still can find the open source resource from it.

As the nature of open source, we will help you to get your ideas and hard works become real by publishing this community based application on the Samsung Apps store. This project will not end up just an application. We are working on other open source projects to help you write your own application using bada services. Your supports and suggestions are best encouragement for us to bring new exciting stuffs here.

Staty tuned, and join us!




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