
#215 Display categories of different interval ghosted

Workflow (41)

Currently there is a really nice way to enter all kinds of different intervals for expenses and income. However, to have better control and overview of them it would be great to have an option to display other intervals while you are looking at a different interval.

You have yearly expenses for insurance. Each month you might have other insurance payments.

It would be great when you are in the monthly view to have a 12th of the yearly expense to show up ghosted in the category of the same name or have a new category that you can't edit in the monthly view with a hint (tooltip) to edit this category in the year view.
This would help planning expenses a lot.

I hope my explanation is clear enough.


  • Wyatt

    Wyatt - 2009-01-12


    Yes, this makes sense... implementation will be quite difficult, but should be possible. Note a few things, however:

    1) These ghosted values would be read-only - you would have to switch to the native period to change them
    2) These values would only be a rough approximation; depending on the periods in question, there may not be an exact, consistent, correlation between period A and period B.

    There are probably more limitations than this, which I will discover as I work on it.

    Also, while I agree this would be nice, there are some other major features which I will be working on first (as time permits); this one will have to wait until after. (Unfortunately I don't have as much time as I'd like to work on Buddi, so I have to make do with what I have).


  • Wyatt

    Wyatt - 2009-01-12
    • priority: 5 --> 3