
Simple support for multiple currencies

  • Tim Perkins

    Tim Perkins - 2013-11-12

    I've seen a number of requests for support for multiple currencies in buddi in the forum, and a clear explanation of why most implementations would be too complex.

    Would it possible to allow different currency labels in different files? All accounts within one file would inherit the same currency so that net value would make sense, but it would have the benefit that the currency would be correct!



  • Wyatt

    Wyatt - 2013-11-12

    That sounds reasonable. The way I see this as working is that you would set the global currency in Preferences as you do now, but there would be another 'data-file specific' preferences option where you could set the override on a per-datafile basis. The default would be to just use the global preference.

    Note that this would change nothing about how the files are processed or handled; the only difference would be that it shows a different character for the currency symbol.

    Does this sound like we are on the same page? Let me know...



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