
Black Menus under Win7

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2010-09-03

    I'm running Win7 (32bit), using the default "Aero" desktop, have Java 6 update 21 installed and am running the Stand alone Windows version of Buddi.

    All menus appear black when opened. This makes a little tricky to read the text, which only appears when you hover the pointer over an item. Does anyone else suffer this?

    (I've had problems with menus on other programs since getting this Win7 machine, notably the GIMP, but there the problem is the opposite. The text of menu options disappears - because they turn white - when you hover over an item!

    Also, the Taskbar icon is extremely blurry. I am about to experiment as I believe I could provide an improved one of these - and one with a pound (£) sign for us UK users - but I may not be highly motivated for that project, until I find a solution for the black menus. :-)

  • Wyatt

    Wyatt - 2010-09-03

    I've heard a few reports of this, but since I don't have a copy of Windows 7 I am not able to reproduce it.  Regardless, it sounds like a problem with Java / Swing / Windows 7 itself, not Buddi directly…

    Some things you could try would be running from the .jar instead of the .exe, and (if you are feeling brave and know a bit of programming) try launching from source.  However, without a Windows 7 copy myself I really can't do much, and the price (even for the home version) is more than I can afford :-(

  • Wyatt

    Wyatt - 2010-09-03

    As far as the icon, if you could provide a high resolution .ico file that would be wonderful!  IIRC someone created that for me years ago when Windows couldn't use high resolution icons, and as I don't use Windows myself I have not been able to re-create it.  You can get a copy of a higher resolution image from (BuddiAboutLogo is a 96x96 image, which can probably be uprezzed to 128x128 without problem).

    If you do this, I would greatly appreciate the other icons as well; data, languages, and plugin; you can see these from


  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2010-09-03

    I'm afraid I'm no programmer. In a previous life I could cope with Z80 assembler, but never got beyond batch files, once I moved to MS-DOS. Not familiar with jar files either. I'll need guidance on running them (I only have Java installed as it was included in the download.)

    However, I think I can find the resources I need to have a go at producing improved icons. I'm busy over the weekend, but will email you something next week.
    Warning: I know nothing of the Mac, so I may get that bit horribly wrong!

  • Wyatt

    Wyatt - 2010-09-03

    The Mac side of things I have covered (that is what I run).  If you can just send the four Windows .ico files for the program, data files, plugin files, and language files (plus alternate copies if you wanted to do the UK pound symbol), potentially with the modified .png file, that would be absolutely wonderful - I am sure your fellow Windows users will thank you!


  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2010-09-06

    Trust me not to read your messages properly and to do it the hard way!

    I'd done all the hard work on the .ico file supplied in my copy of the program, isolating the dollar symbol, building a set of layers and reconstructing the hidden parts of the pie chart, I finally get round to make a reply here and try those links of yours! Doh!

    I still can't make head nor tail of the stuff at your second link but at the first I find a couple pf nice little xcf files, which I had been hard at work recreating from the finished ico file! Double Doh!

    I now have inserted my three layers for the pound sign in your MasterBuddiProgramIcon.xcf file. Find mine at:
    and a single extra layer with a pound logo at:

    Hope they are of use.  Let me know when you've grabbed them and I'll take them down again.

    Before I did this I experimented, replacing the official version of the program's .ico file with mine. It made not a bit of difference. Still see the fuzzy $ icon and not my £ replacements. I didn't know what to expect as it's not the norm for conventional Windows programs to have a separate icon file.

    Another curious feature was that when I used a resource editor to attempt to replace the program icon with mine, it only found one "empty window" icon inside the .exe file. I guess that's because it's a Java app?

    To follow up I'd prefer email. My username at gmail is gregchapmanuk. :-)

  • kristnau

    kristnau - 2010-09-25

    I have the same problems with black menus in Win Vista Home. Java 6.0.210 and Buddi

    It's not a major issue, just a little harder to navigate.

  • vwbusguy

    vwbusguy - 2010-09-26

    I was able to fix this in Windows 7 by:

    1. Go to C:\Program Files\Buddi
    2.  Right click on Buddi.exe ad select Properties.
    3.  Click on Compatibility tab.
    4.  Check Disable Visual Themes ad Save.

  • vwbusguy

    vwbusguy - 2010-09-26

    Sorry, I meant Windows Vista, but I assume the same steps should apply for Win7.


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