
Buddhabrot Mag


Buddhabrot Mag(nifier) Manual

Buddhabrot Mag is a realtime fractal zoomer using OpenCL.

System Requirements
OpenCL >= 1.2
OpenCL Extension cl_khr_gl_sharing must be supported.
OpenCL image support

OpenCL Troubleshooting
Buddhabrot Mag has been tested on a Nvidia GTX 750 Ti and on a AMD FX-8120 CPU.
If it does not work for you please try the following instructions. If that does not help you either, please contact me:
f-o-a-l-y (at)

Update your graphics card drivers manually. The driver's provided by Windows Update often don't support OpenCL.

If your graphics card does not support OpenCL you can try running it on the CPU.
To do that, you can for example install the AMD CPU Runtime. To do that, choose the corresponding download for your system, and in the installer uncheck everything except the CPU runtime.

- Left Mouse Button: Zoom In
- Right Mouse Button: Zoom Out
- Middle Mouse Button / Both Mouse Buttons: Pan
- Clear Button: Clear the current rendering

And you have to click "Apply Settings" every time you change an option.

- Soft Minimum Orbit Length: Skips the first n iterations of an orbit (where n is the Minimum Orbit Length). Makes it look softer, but you may want to uncheck this for high orbit lengths to get more detail.
- Periodicity Checking: Allows the renderer the detect orbits, that will never bail out, early.
- Priority Map: generates a map of which Cs have good orbits. You have to regenerate the priority map every time you switch the fractal formula or you set different minimum / maximum orbit length.
- Low Contribution Termination: Terminates an orbit, if it has not influenced x pixels after y iterations in the current view. (Where x is the Minimum Score and y is the Check Length.)
Is useful for zooming with high orbit lengths.


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