
#3 macros

Other (3)
Mark Howard

Batch Text Replacer Wizard
20 Apr 2002 02:15:20 +0200
Dear Mark,

Found your site in the Dutch language version of the
German ct' magazine.

First and foremost: many kudos for releasing your
software under the GPL.

In your news dated 01/08/02 you wrote:

I am considering writing a cross-platform version of
btrwiz (particularly for the Linux Operating System).
If you want me to do this, please let me know.

I would *love* a Linux version of this program.

I am a web designer, I have been using a Penguin
desktop since, oh, about '97 and never looked back.
However, I am no hero when it comes to things like awk
or sed [which, I have been told, are needed to
search/replace over more than 1 file] and the editor I
use [nEdit] doesn't have the possibility to s/r over
more than 1 file either.

So I was stuck with running a windoze editor under wine
which does have this possibility [but which also has
the unfortunate tendency to do 'weird things' [tm] to
one's files].

So, the long and short of it is that I would be *very*
grateful for a Linux port of your program.

Remains for me to make a last suggestion. Often enough,
my needs surpass simple search/replace operations and I
need to actually make the same changes [i.e.
insert/remove several lines of text, switch stuff
around] in many files. Would it be at all possible to
provide some sort of macro facility so that the same
macro could be run over all the files [I could be more
specific - and considerably more long winded if need
be]? The aforementioned Linux editor nEdit is AFAIK
open source and has excellent macros.

Oh, and I would like to be kept informed so I guess you
can put me on the mailing list.

Expectantly yours,

l8R lES
Trustworthy Computing [is] an m$ policy which leaves
everyone exposed to attack
until m$ is satisfied with its patches and spills the

the Register


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