
BTManager / News: Recent posts

Some news for the impatients

I'm currently refactoring the core network code, to eliminate these memory hogs that I've been experimenting lately. So, the next version won't have much new features, but it should be *much* less CPU and memory intensive.

Of course, new code, new bugs. I plan on testing extensively to prevent obvious ones, so don"t expect a new release for at least 2-3 weeks.

Posted by Jérome Laheurte 2004-10-11

BTManager 1.99.4

Another alpha. There are still some memory problems under Windows, so I don't want to make it a beta, though most of the features are implemented.

What's new:

* Extensive documentation in the Web UI
* Dispatching of downloads in subdirectories of 'incoming' according to regular expressions
* (experimental!) run as service under Windows
* Progress bars are now in PNG, instead of BMP (using libgd). Increased portability and huge bandwidth savings.
* Bug fixes

Posted by Jérome Laheurte 2004-10-03

BTManager 1.99.3 - working at last

Or so it seems. Maybe some of you have noticed that 1.99.2 seemed to randomly stop downloading. Hopefully, this is fixed, as well as a number of other issues.

So, now that it's working, I'm gonna concentrate first on optimization, then on the last missing features.

Posted by Jérome Laheurte 2004-09-19

Third alpha

This release fixes a number of bugs, and introduces basic RSS support.

Posted by Jérome Laheurte 2004-09-05

Second alpha

This release fixes:

* The 'can't stop connecting torrent' problem
* some documentation issues under Unix (now includes a launcher script)
* A bug I just discovered while testing this release, which meant multiple-files torrents wouldn't work at all :(

Posted by Jérome Laheurte 2004-08-31

First alpha of BTManager2

I've decided to release a first alpha version of BTManager2, although some of the planned features are not implemented yet. This is for testing only, I don't think it's quite ready for day-to-day use, but what the hell :)

So, what's already implemented:

* Most of BTManager1 features

* Fancy progress bars :)

* Hot restart: no more 'checking existing file', except in some cases

* Most of the configuration is now tweakable from the Web UI... read more

Posted by Jérome Laheurte 2004-08-29

BTManager 1.3.3

This is just a bugfix release. Problems with incomplete/corrupt torrent files are fixed, and the install script should work under BSD.

Posted by Jérome Laheurte 2004-04-25

BTManager 1.3.2 - Another day, another fix

This version *really* fixes the non-ASCII filename problem, as well as another default configuration problem under Windows...

Posted by Jérome Laheurte 2004-02-12

BTManager 1.3.1

This is mainly a bugfix release, but it includes one new feature: you can now specify an auto-refresh delay for the 'List' tab (in seconds, see in the 'Configuration' tab, 0 means no auto-refresh).

The bugfixes are:

* Windows users:

the default configuration was broken and lead to numerous and almost random error pages.

* All users:

A problem with file names containing non-ASCII characters has been worked around.... read more

Posted by Jérome Laheurte 2004-02-11

Soon to come - 2.0.0

Okay, I just get back from a two-days exploration of BT source, and I began to code the upcoming version 2.0...

The only thing I can say is, there's the possibility to include *many* features that were out of question with the old architecture, including these infamous progress bars with part density, for people who have some CPU load to throw away...

So, in order to save some time and better meet your expectations, I'm going to re-activate the forum feature on and create a forum where we'll discuss the kind of functionnalities you'd like to see in the upcoming version.... read more

Posted by Jérome Laheurte 2004-02-04

1.3.0p1: Windows installer corrupted

I just uploaded a new Windows installer for 1.3.0p1... The first was corrupted because of the fscking ftp command in Windows :)

Posted by Jérome Laheurte 2004-02-02

Release 1.3.0p1

This is a bugfix release; two fixes:

* The configuration and persistent state of downloads wouldn't be saved upon exit

* Major bug: the files wouldn't be moved when stopping a download under Windows or Unix with Python <= 2.2

Posted by Jérome Laheurte 2004-02-01

Release 1.3.0-final

This release adds a minor functionnality (the settings in the 'Configuration' tab are now saved on exit), and the Unix binary now includes support for BSD.

This will be the last release in the 1.x branch, except for bug fixes of course. I'm on my way to dig into the BitTorrent code and the 2.x branch will be a complete rewrite, hopefully with much more functionnalities.

Posted by Jérome Laheurte 2004-01-29

Release 1.3.0rc1

Happy new year!

This release hopefully fixes the MacOS configuration file bug, as well as introducing some new features:

* You can now choose a subdirectory to move complete files to

* The default authentication method is now standard HTTP authentication

* A Unix binary, which should get rid of the dependencies hell...

* New format for the configuration file

* Some minor bug fixes.

Alas, the documentation is not uploaded yet because of some problems with the ssh accounts. In the meantime, the updated documentation is available at this URL:... read more

Posted by Jérome Laheurte 2004-01-09

BTManager 1.2.0, the real thing

Since 1.2.0b4 seems to be pretty stable, it now becomes 1.2.0 final. The only difference concerns Windows users; a message box now warns them to stop the server when upgrading or uninstalling.

Posted by Jérome Laheurte 2003-11-02

BTManager 1.2.0b4

Fixes numerous issues with the automatic expiration system, the first of all being it didn't work at all :)
See ChangeLog for details.

Posted by Jérome Laheurte 2003-10-30

BTManager 1.2.0b3

Here comes the third beta of this release, featuring some major bug fixes with the queue system and several regression fixes.

Hopefully, this beta will be the last one before the stable release.

Posted by Jérome Laheurte 2003-10-29

Shortest version ever

Ten minutes after releasing 1.2.0b1, I found a bug that prevents adding a new torrent via the Web UI... So, here is 1.2.0b2 :)

Posted by Jérome Laheurte 2003-10-28

BTManager 1.2.0b1, at least

What's new in this release:

* The skin system is now entirely XSLT based.
* You can now change the maximum upload rate for each torrent at runtime.
* A queue system allows you to limit the maximum number of concurrently running tasks.
* You can limit the number of simultaneaous checks when launching the server while files already exists.
* An automatic expiration system.

And last but not least, there's a beginning of a documentation at... read more

Posted by Jérome Laheurte 2003-10-28

BTManager 1.1.0 released

At least a new release... This fixes bug #824546 (deprecation warnings) and a bug involving torrent files with spaces in it.

The real news is a complete rewrite of the Web UI code. It now depends on the "autoweb" module (see file releases). Features themes, plug-ins to make even nicer themes (progress bars)...

The theme description system is undocumented for now, but you can think of it as some kind of XSLT with XPATH replaced by Python expressions... Two themes are provided (see the screenshots on the home page).... read more

Posted by Jérome Laheurte 2003-10-21

BTManager 1.0.10 released

While I'm very busy not working on the next major change in BTManager, Gissehel deceitfully releases this bug-fix, BitTorrent 3.3 compatibility version. Take a look at the release notes for details :)

Posted by Jérome Laheurte 2003-09-28

BTManager 1.0.9 released

Although a bit late, let's announce the 1.0.9 version :)
The menu is:

* BitTorrent files are now parsed to extract informations that are displayed in the Web interface (file length, announce URL...)
* That's pretty much it...

Posted by Jérome Laheurte 2003-09-07

BTManager 1.0.8 released

"Release early, release often", they say... So, less than 2 days after 1.0.7, BTManager 1.0.8 is on the shelves.

What's new, from a user's point of view:

* The Web interface now shows informations like total number of bytes downloaded/uploaded, and each column can be hidden if you're not interested in the information.
* A bug involving these total upload/download has been fixed in the GUI (it always showed 0).
* With some servers which sent the Torrent files as the output of a PHP script, you couldn't download two files from the same server before. This is hopefully fixed.... read more

Posted by Jérome Laheurte 2003-09-06

BTManager 1.0.7 released

This is the first public release of BTManager, a BitTorrent download manager and client. It features both a Web interface and a GUI (wxWindow-based) completely independent from the core, so that downloads will go on if your X server crashes :)

Though it is not as feature-bloated as some other BitTorrent clients, it uses directly the BitTorrent official implementation without any hack.

Posted by Jérome Laheurte 2003-09-06