
unable to access document

  • Scott Franke

    Scott Franke - 2004-02-15

    I installed the binary version of 1.3.2-final and have left the .BTManagerrc file as default.  It runs fine, though it complains about libxsltmod being a different version (Python :1011, libxsltmod : 1012).

    The server doesn't print out any errors, but when I try to connect from localhost (after entering the password), I get this from lynx:

    Alert!: Unexpected network read error; connection aborted.
    Can't Access 'http://localhost:8047/MyPassword'
    Alert!: Unable to access document.

    and then lynx quits.  The server's response to this is:

    localhost - - [15/Feb/2004 12:52:07] "GET / HTTP/1.0" 401 -

    I can't figure out the problem, or how to get more verobisty out of the server.  any ideas?

    • Jérome Laheurte

      > it complains about libxsltmod being a different
      > version (Python :1011, libxsltmod : 1012)

      That's not an issue. The binary module was compiled for Python 2.3 and you probably have Python 2.2.

      The problem with Lynx seems to be HTTP authentication. I think that depending on the version, or build, or whatever, Lynx doesn't support this (my own version does, though).

      Just edit your rc file, uncomment the 'authtype' option and set it to 0; relaunch the server and you'll have to access the following URL:



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