Alan Corey - 2019-07-19

If you don't know why you'd watch a Bitcoin price look up bitcoin trading or bitcoin investing. The price of bitcoin is almost unstable enough to make it unsuitable as a currency. But the flip side of that is that you can buy some when it's cheap then sell it when the price goes up to make a profit. In December 2018 I spent $450 on some, then sold it in July 2019 for $1200. So I made a $900 profit but what's important is that I tripled my money, and I could have tripled any amount of money.

It's not unreasonable to expect 2 -3 times what you invested back. If you take some chunk of money that you can live without for a while and buy bitcoin at the right time, then sell it at the right time, it's a money tree. Set that money aside once you sell it off and reinvest it when the price is low again. Do that about 9 times and you can go from $500 to $1 million.

You actually don't need a ticker to do that, because the price doesn't change that fast. But when it's almost time to sell or buy you do. The best way to tell when the price has hit bottom is when it starts back up slightly, the same is true at the top. It's expensive to be wrong, so you probably want tools like [] as well. You need to be very on top of what the price is doing for a month or so at buying and selling times. This is as accurate as whatever source you set it to use, and you have a price in your face whenever you look at your computer screen. It takes several months to go from low to high, but you don't make a flat amount of profit each times, you multiply the amount you start with. The only way to lose is by selling at less than what you paid, but just wait and it will go back up. It's been doing this ever since it existed.


Last edit: Alan Corey 2019-07-19