
Thud 1.4 Released

The development team of Thud, a Java-based graphical client/HUD for BattleTech MUXes, are pleased to announce the release of Thud 1.4 to the public.

This new version includes a number of significant improvements, including better handling of focus issues, support for copy & paste, keybindings support, a LOS overlay mode, the ability to directly load MUX-format map files, much improved preferences support, and some minor bug fixes.

For upgrading users, you will need to set your preferences one last time when 1.4 starts, but you can delete your old .prf file as the new version does not use it anymore and consequently will not lose your settings from version to version.

If you haven't tried Thud before, maybe it's time! You can get the latest version from - all you need is Java 5.0, from

If you enjoy using Thud, please join the community to stay informed! You can automatically monitor new releases of both the stable line and the beta line at the SourceForge link (just click on the little mail icon under 'Monitor'). There is an active Thud users mailing list ( and also a THUD channel on Frontiers MUX (addcom thud=THUD). Let us know that you're out there and get your input into the next release!

-The Thud team

Posted by Tim 2007-02-20

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