
#11 GraphHopper

Impossible to solve

Created support ticket to have discussion about it here.


  • Per Olov Jonsson

    Here is Ruurds original posting and his script as well as Ronys amendments for debugging and my own version with even more debugging and the lines Ruurd proposed for loading new countries.

    Attached a first "proof of concept" to myself for bsf4ooRexx
    If one is interested in trying this, one should download the GraphHopper jar (graphhopper-web-1.0.jar) from: and add the jar file to the CLASSPATH

    One should be able to invoke the attached rexx with 1 argument a country name in lowercase(e.g. netherlands or austria) for any other country one should adapt the "from" and "to" latitude/longitude pairs to specify locations within that country.

    The first time a country is processed to setup will take a long time (lots of minutes for bigger countries), subsequent invocations for that country will take most likely under 1 minute.

    I can now launch the program but on macOS this line creates an exception:

    flagEncoderClass = bsf.loadClass("com.graphhopper.routing.util.FlagEncoder") Throwable of type 'org.rexxla.bsf.engines.rexx.RexxException' thrown while invoking Rexx:
    getLocalizedMessage(): [BSF4ooRexx/routine/jniRexxRunProgram(), error 9:
    - Compiled routine "BSF".
    Error 40 running /Users/po/Downloads/graphhopper3.rex line 53: Incorrect call to routine.
    Error 40.900: BSF4ooRexx/routine/BSF(), error 3: Java exception occurred: [java.lang.NullPointerException]

    all other lines execute and the program continue to run if this line is commented out.

  • Rony G. Flatscher

    Sorry, have not seen this request, I think. Does it work now?