
Public Release

Today marks the first public test release for Brutal Chess. This release is meant to allow those interested in Brutal Chess to see what weve come up with so far, and possibly even lend a hand in development. For the most part, we are still debugging the chess engine, and we appreciate the help of our users to locate bugs that the development team may have overlooked.

Alpha v0.1 is a fully playable chess game that runs on OpenGL, SDL, and FreeType. All of the dlls are included in the release package, so all that you need to do is unzip the archive and run the executable. Preliminary artificial intelligence has been included so that you can play against the computer, currently we have support for human vs. human games but the lack of a menu system at this point has forced us to make the decision to hard code in the AI player for now.

You can download Brutal Chess Alpha v0.1 on the download page.

Posted by Michael Cook 2005-07-31

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