
Actors ?

  • simsalabim

    simsalabim - 2006-08-09


    my son asked me for a Chess-Game with cool "actors" on his computer. So I found by googeling BrutalChess. Unfortunately there are no "actors" in Version 0.3, it's just the "plain" game. :-)
    Is Version 0.4 or NimbleKnight for Windows available ? And are there some "actors" included ?

    Thanks in advance and keep up the good work.


    • Michael Cook

      Michael Cook - 2006-08-24

      Hi Matthias,

      Sorry for the slow reply, for some reason none of us were emailed when your post came in.  Getting the "actors" working is still a bit fragile at this point, the screenshots we posted were more of a public showing of some of our progress.

      When our next release comes around, there will be support for using these "actors", though they probably won't actually battle yet, and we won't actually be able to include the models in that screenshot in our release (since we don't actually own the rights to those models).

      We will provide documentation on how to acquire and load those models with the next release, but until then I'm sorry to say that there isn't a whole lot else we can do for you :/

      Once we (the developers) get back to school progress should pick up quite a bit, we had our projections totally backwards for this summer.

      In any event we're glad that you found us, and we hope you'll be watching when we make our next release.


    • simsalabim

      simsalabim - 2006-09-01

      Hey Mike,

      thanks for your answer. Too bad that the "actors" aren't availlable yet ...

      One more suggestion though:
      It would be cool if it's possible to play against each other ... through LAN/Internet ...

      Thanks anyway ... !!!


      • Michael Cook

        Michael Cook - 2006-09-03

        Hey Matthias,

        Network play is definitely on our schedule.  I think this is the one feature that I'm most looking forward to getting out there.

        We have other things that are more important at this time, but as soon as the next release is out we'll probably look toward net play as our next big hook.



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