
Set of questions

  • Poganezz

    Poganezz - 2006-04-29

    1. How do "Up" and "Direction" values work in camera?
    2. How can I rotate camera manually (not using FPSOrient)
    3. How can I get mouse coordinates?
    4. How to apply physics and collision to a landscape (loaded form x-file) ?

    Thanks, Cyril.

    • Chris

      Chris - 2006-05-15

      Hi Cyril !

      1. 'Up' and 'Direction' are vectors used by the engine to compute local transformation before rendering. You can directly affect them or use the 'Orient' helper method. If you want to affect them manually you will also have to compute the 'Right' vector (this task is achieved for you by 'Orient')

      2. To rotate the camera manually you can use the three vectors above (don't forget to normalize them). Take a look at the 'Orient' method in the '3DEngine/Objects/BrumeObject' class for source code.

      3. To get the mouse coordinates, the best way is to use properties available on the Brume class :
          - WindowMouseX, WindowMouseY : for window coordinates
          - ScreenMouseX, ScreenMouseY : for screen coordinates
          - MouseDeltaX, MouseDeltaY, MouseDeltaZ : for mouse wheel and other delta values

      4. For landscape collisions you will have to use the CollisionEngine/BrumeCollisionTriMesh.cs class.  Actually we have a problem with the ODE TriMesh and  we are working on it so I don't think you can make it work for the moment.



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