
brotas / Blog: Recent posts

v1.1: Pagination and Configuration-Settngs

v.1.1 released

new features are:
- pagination
- server-side (db) site configuration

configuration settings table

This new table will control the global app behavior. it stores a simple pair of key-value where the key is a hardcoded string that will be used in the app... read more

Posted by augusto wloch 2022-02-27

Revival potion

Revival Potion

It's been years since the last update here. In the last weeks, I updated the php framework that's used as foundation here (also changed its name to ZHU). Now, it is time to make this project revive. ... read more

Posted by augusto wloch 2022-02-14

Enter multilanguage (aka i18n)


So far the app is ugly AF but it is working, at least the three entities can CRUD (create, read, update delete) records.

One of the basic premises of the project is to support at least spanish/english, so that let's hold the horses for a so needed UI implementation, and first get the basic things done. i think the following will be the tasks needed for that.... read more

Posted by augusto wloch 2020-04-29

Type of users

While building the first constructor/views I realized that never defined (yet) what kind of users we are going to have in our app. What fields each type will see? Who is going to see other users records? Who will be able to see deleted records?... read more

Posted by augusto wloch 2020-04-10 Labels: design


Model View Controller (MVC) is a well known design pattern. I really like it but in my personal experience, the model layer has all the logic and the controller becames only in a translater between user request and the model operations itself. Personally I find it very clumsy and prefer to merge MC into C. Please don't misunderstand me, I just my experience, taking in count the kind of apps I usualy develop and the way I usualy code.... read more

Posted by augusto wloch 2020-04-05 Labels: design

Los tres amigos

Next step on db. We already have the users table, but instead of diving in the deep of security layer (improve user data, roles, permissions, etc., we will advance over the transactional tables to enable to record the basic seeds management (which involves creating and updating batches of seeds).... read more

Posted by augusto wloch 2020-04-04 Labels: database


Let's touch ground on what a session library/class should do, in this project, in my opinion...

Before anything, let me start on how I see page request in the app. Any page request (including ajax calls, any of them) will fall in any of these two cateogries: public+sessionless and loggedid+session. Or you are working logged into the app and you has to have a valid session or you are outside accessing some public pages. ... read more

Posted by augusto wloch 2020-03-24 Labels: framework

Colour Palette

A great site for see in action the typical 5 colours is

In fact, I was tempted to start the project implementing the whole bootstrap 4, jquery, blah blah blah, but to be honest that will take a lot of time and by now I havent coded a thing, so I will cut it, just take these five colours randomly generated.... read more

Posted by augusto wloch 2020-03-16 Labels: design

Enter the framework - some ideas

Some time ago, I met Codeigniter (i think it was version 1.7) and got amazed by the idea that only one entry file recevies every request (index.php) , and as soon framework starts, it parses the URI and redirects everything to the right controller / function. That crush was so intense that until today I found that a really comfortable approach, and that will be my first move. To keep that strategy. Here's the basic diagram:... read more

Posted by augusto wloch 2020-03-15 Labels: framework

First table. Users

I think that every table will have a document, reflecting each field, its function, etc.
But because this is the first one, it deserves a blog post.

The first table will be users, and because it belongs to the security tables layer, it will named security_users and its prefix will be sus... read more

Posted by augusto wloch 2020-03-06 Labels: database

software installation

just a quick note on what I have installed to develop.

i've got two notebooks , both with win10.
office notebook:
PHP 7.4.1 (cli) (built: Dec 17 2019 19:25:25) ( ZTS Visual C++ 2017 x86 )
Apache/2.4.41 (Win32) PHP/7.4.1
mysql Ver 8.0.19 for Win64 on x86_64 (MySQL Community Server - GPL)
Mysql 8.0.19 Community Server compiled for Win 64 (x86_64)... read more

Posted by augusto wloch 2020-02-28 Labels: installation

Creating the db -- Naming Convention


Every table will have a name in plural representing the entity stored. It will be all lowercased. (eg. contacts)
For each table created will to have a 3-letter id to use as a prefix on every table's field. e.g. account table will have acc prefix, and the id field will be acc_id
These tables will be named as [table1]_[table2], and will have a 6 letter prefix which will consist of the concatenation of the prefix of both tables... read more

Posted by augusto wloch 2020-02-28 Labels: database


So here it starts...

My name is Augusto. And i'm trying to start from scratch to develop a web app to manage my seeds batches.

I got tons of doubts, and usually cannot find someone to ask to this questions (like how to have a secure web app, how to implement ajax secure and effectively in php). I was thinking that surely lot of people like me are struggling with this things.
With that in mind, it might be useful to share the process of creating my app. If this helps at least one other person, i'm fully satisfied with this project :)... read more

Posted by augusto wloch 2020-02-25