
BRL-CAD / News: Recent posts

BRL-CAD 7.0.2, First Open Source Release

After 20 years of active development under a proprietary government license agreement, the BRL-CAD solid modeling suite has been released as Open Source software. BRL-CAD is one of the many legacies of the late Michael Muuss, author of ping. The package began on the PDP-11 and VAX 11/780--before the emergence of ANSI/ISO C language standards--and boasts one of the first parallel Ray tracers in existence. Today BRL-CAD has over 750,000 lines of source code and continues to be maintained and improved. It incorporates both 3D modeling and rendering capabilities, and supports an API for user-developed geometric analysis applications. Now available for download is release 7.0.2 of BRL-CAD.

Posted by Sean Morrison 2005-01-09