Vasilis Naskos - 2020-08-17

Hello s-r-grass,
first of all I would like to thank you for your nice words and the promotion!

The project did not receive any updates after 2014 and probably contains bugs. However, I have recently found the motivation to work on it again and released the version 0.9-alpha. This version is basically the same as v0.8 with some bug fixed and major changes in the code's architecture.

My plan is to fix as much bugs and issues as possible and make the code more developer-friendly so other people can get on board and contribute easily (to add features, fix things...). My secondary goal is to provide the option to run Bric as a service, without graphical interface so it can be used on servers.

Of course this is a side project and the changes take quite a lot of time. Currently Bric is under slow-paced but active development and this is majorly influecenced by my motivation. If people start downloading it, reporting issues or requesting features then I beleive I'll be more commited to its development. For example your ticket falls into this category ;)