
Tree [35438d] master /

HTTPS access

File Date Author Commit
 .idea 2021-09-24 akwizgran akwizgran [4a4d8f] Convert AS run configurations for tests to Gradle.
 bramble-android 2022-07-04 akwizgran akwizgran [a5563e] Bump version numbers for 1.4.10 release.
 bramble-api 2022-06-29 Sebastian Kürten Sebastian Kürten [4bca9d] Let StringUtils throw FormatException instead o...
 bramble-core 2022-07-01 akwizgran akwizgran [229881] Don't set "DisableNetwork 1" during shutdown.
 bramble-java 2022-06-20 akwizgran akwizgran [05bf38] No need to use @Before to create stateful test ...
 briar-android 2022-07-07 FlyingP1g FlyingP1g FlyingP1g FlyingP1g [12ca74] Minor about menu improvements.
 briar-api 2021-12-21 akwizgran akwizgran [a35e9a] Add method for generating a unique ID, remove e...
 briar-core 2022-05-16 akwizgran akwizgran [82057d] Sync acks when re-adding contacts.
 briar-headless 2022-06-22 Sebastian Kürten Sebastian Kürten [17f5fc] Make headless platform jars depend on main jar ...
 gradle 2021-11-23 Sebastian Kürten Sebastian Kürten [1bfd9e] Upgrade gradle to v7.3
 libs 2020-11-10 akwizgran akwizgran [641525] Upgrade Android and Kotlin dependencies, Gradle...
 patches 2018-10-02 akwizgran akwizgran [64f9ce] Remove unused patches.
 .gitignore 2021-04-08 Torsten Grote Torsten Grote [c53fc5] Add inspection profile to repo
 .gitlab-ci.yml 2022-06-07 akwizgran akwizgran [eac6d0] Remove BridgeTest from release pipeline.
 LICENSE.txt 2016-09-13 Torsten Grote Torsten Grote [d5beca] Port Signal's emoji implementation to Briar 2021-12-14 Torsten Grote Torsten Grote [2880a4] Add a section about reproducible builds to the ... 2020-07-10 akwizgran akwizgran [375a72] Add link to LocLab wiki.
 briar.iml 2018-05-01 akwizgran akwizgran [cccdac] Upgrade to Android Studio 3.1.
 build.gradle 2022-04-29 Torsten Grote Torsten Grote [b67d99] Update do-not-kill-lib to 0.2.2
 dagger.gradle 2018-11-01 akwizgran akwizgran [f6c8a8] Move dagger.gradle to project root. 2020-11-10 akwizgran akwizgran [4b8207] Upgrade Gradle plugin to 4.1.
 gradlew 2021-11-23 Sebastian Kürten Sebastian Kürten [1bfd9e] Upgrade gradle to v7.3
 gradlew.bat 2021-11-23 Sebastian Kürten Sebastian Kürten [1bfd9e] Upgrade gradle to v7.3
 settings.gradle 2018-08-17 Torsten Grote Torsten Grote [6c296c] Proof-of-Concept Headless Client 2019-03-14 Torsten Grote Torsten Grote [9ccd8d] Upgrade android gradle plugin to 3.3.2

Read Me


Briar is a messaging app designed for activists, journalists, and anyone else who needs a safe, easy and robust way to communicate.

Unlike traditional messaging tools such as email, Twitter or Telegram, Briar doesn't rely on a central server - messages are synchronized directly between the users' devices.

If the Internet's down, Briar can sync via Bluetooth or Wi-Fi, keeping information flowing in a crisis. If the Internet's up, Briar can sync via the Tor network, protecting users and their relationships from surveillance.

Download Briar

You can also download the APK file directly from
our site.

Source code



Reproducible builds

We provide docker images
to ease the task of verifying that the published APK binaries
include nothing but our publicly available source code.

You can either use those images or use them as a blueprint to build your own environment
for reproduction.

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