
breach / News: Recent posts

Object Viewer 1.0.0

I am almost ready to release the first official breach object viewer. Keep in mind that object viewer's purpose is simply as a "preview" for the skin makers. I'm happy with the program as it stands, all I'd like to add is in-program object loading/swapping as well as skin loading/swapping.
Also I might make a subtle change to breach's actual mesh format, and I'd like to do this _before_ I release object viewer 1.0.0.
Anyway, the release will happen some time this week, then work will begin on the ship tester app, which will allow the ship developers to begin work with the modellers & graphicians. The ship tester app, will allow testing of ship controls, firing, special functions and also it's AI mechanism(s).

Posted by Clive Crous 2001-11-06

New Release

Released latest snapshot of ..

Posted by Clive Crous 2001-10-30

Missing download files ?

Yes, I know about them,
see sourceforge tracker : #475209

Posted by Clive Crous 2001-10-26

Object Viewer linux binary & source release

Finally finished my releasing,
meant to release these with the win32, bu ran out of time.
linux binary a bit bigger that the windows binary because it has a larger (in bytes) skin
both skins are in the data directory of the source

Posted by Clive Crous 2001-10-25

Object Viewer win32 Release

Released first binaries, it's a simple ship viewer with skins to allow the graphicians (;)) to start creating ships / skins in the meantime.
This utility will constantly be upgraded as the game progresses to allow different file formats etc. Currently it expects a wavefront obj file and a png skin.

Posted by Clive Crous 2001-10-24