
NerdBR IRCd / News: Recent posts

News and plans

Last year was pretty crazy for me, and my hobby projects couldn't be continued due lack of time. This year things are getting better, so I'm starting over my participation with PTlink guys. The file released today is just a small update, nothing that can be really useful to others except my friends. I have been thinking in release the NerdBR Services source code as soon PTlink Services 3 get released, so you are waiting for BotServ inside PTlink Services 2, may have good news soon :)
Keep on touch,
Felipe "openglx"

Posted by Felipe openglx 2005-02-16

NerdBR-0.13a and welcome loop

There is NerdBR-0.13a source code to download, so I'm glad to welcome loop to this project :)

Thank you, my friend, for helping our dear in this work!

Posted by Felipe openglx 2004-02-09

Project name changed, NerdBR 0.1(02) release

Hello again.

This project was stopped a long time, but now I have more time to work on it. Since i restarted all the code changes using PTlink6.14.3, the name has changed..

NerdBR is the new name, and this release has some new features and uses PTlink6.14.5 base. Good luck, and report bugs :)

Posted by Felipe openglx 2003-04-13


Sorry guys, but this project is STOPPED until futer notice.

I blew up all the code, all versions after 1.5.1 RC3 are stupid shit.

BrasNerd is still using VIRCD, but the test-net is now running a pure PTlink6.14.2. Wish us luck.

IF I restarted this project, it will be from version 0.1 !

Posted by Felipe openglx 2003-02-09

BrasNerd 1.5.1 RC3

Last night I need to confess, my C code sux :)

3 RC uploades, and just this one was compiling. Ok, now it's fine. T5 is doing the Windows binary right now.

As you all can see, the project is getting hot :D

Posted by Felipe openglx 2003-02-01

BrasNerd 1.5.1 RC1 released

Ok guys, I am uploading now this release.

One friend (thx T5) is going to compile that for Windows, and the things are getting fine ;)

Posted by Felipe openglx 2003-01-31

BrasNerd 1.5.1

Ok, the project is still a little frozen, but now I'm a little more happy to make new stuff.
I have created a ForceAutoJoin thing for PTlink, and it's already on my CVS.
Version 1.5.0 it's quite stable, but needs more Windows testing.
Any feature request is welcome :)

Posted by Felipe openglx 2003-01-21

Project FROZEN

Sorry people, but I have frozen this project right now.
I don't have more patience of taking all of this alone, and the BrasNerd IRC Network dosen't look to be walking on the same way I am.
For the next weeks I expect to get a new rume to me and to this IRCD.

Posted by Felipe openglx 2003-01-13

BrasNerd1.5.0-beta11 for Windows

Just another binary released. It's getting everytime better and better :)
It have some improvements and some minor bug-fixes.

Posted by Felipe openglx 2003-01-11


Version with some bug-fixes only, and a new system for compiling, so CygWin binaries are much easier to make :)

We are still needing people to test the Windows version (even if you compile yourself the source, it's ok too). Please, if you can test, TEST and report any problem!

Posted by Felipe openglx 2003-01-07


Released now...
A little of bugfixes over CygWin improvements, and changed src/dconf.c options (now they are on include/brasnerd.h).
It's quite stable now, maybe time to make a -STABLE release? :)

Posted by Felipe openglx 2003-01-03

BrasNerd1.5.0-beta08 and Windows version

Just uploaded now BrasNerd1.5.0-beta08 and a -beta07 Windows version too. The Windows-version is a binary made on a i686, but runs on all Windows 32-bits version starting from 98.
Please report any bugs :)

Posted by Felipe Grazziotin 2002-12-30


I'm releasing now to SourceForge community the BrasNerd1.5.0-beta07 source.
It includes PTlink6.14.2 source with many improvements to BrasNerd IRC Network, as long VLinks and other stuff.

Posted by Felipe Grazziotin 2002-12-30