
BrainTop / News: Recent posts

BrainTop 0.1rc5 released

Finally, the FileList is available: with this fundamental component (under development) is possible the abstraction of "activities", filesystem elements (and more) grouped to be easily and rapidly accessibly. More new features implemented.

Posted by Roberto Guido 2006-04-15

BrainTop 0.1rc4 released

The more interesting feature is the new taskbar, that permit (finally!) to use BrainTop as a normal window manager. Please check out the new developer's documentation at website.

Posted by Roberto Guido 2006-01-02

BrainTop 0.1rc3 released

Rich changelog: finally, the first experimental version of On-Mouse Shell is implemented, and the activities interface is almost ready. All package have been updated to the latest version of XFCE and SQLite libraries.

Posted by Roberto Guido 2005-08-23

BrainTop 0.1rc2 released

Added some "goodies" to the release: a configuration panel for desktop menu and a special graphical theme. Some bugfixes also, of course...

Posted by Roberto Guido 2005-05-31

BrainTop 0.1rc1 released

Released the first prototype for 0.1 series: this application born from a fork of the xfce window manager and sign a new dawn for this project.

Posted by Roberto Guido 2005-03-25

BrainTop 0.0.5 released

With big delay, 0.0.5 is out: some experimental code, some adjustment to side applets and workspaces, introduction of on-mouse shell and circular contestual menu.

Posted by Roberto Guido 2004-10-09

BrainTop 0.0.4 released

Development of side applets is begin. View the website for more informations about these elements.

Posted by Roberto Guido 2004-08-28

BrainTop 0.0.3 released

Some new features: Neuron, support for internationalization, experimental "side applets"... We are working for you :-)

Posted by Roberto Guido 2004-08-15

BrainTop's CVS

The BrainTop Development Team have began to use the CVS system in SourceForge: from now is possible to get all recent files in development from the SourceForge's page of the project. Enjoy!

Posted by Roberto Guido 2004-08-10

BrainTop 0.0.2 released

As promited, after about two weeks from 0.0.1, now the 0.0.2 release for the BrainTop Project. It includes some of the basilar functions used to manage the database (used as support) and an example of the future editor used to customize the system. Enjoy :-)

Posted by Roberto Guido 2004-08-03

BrainTop-devel mailing list

In last days was actived the mailing list for developers (and collaborators) of the BrainTop Project: .
The list is mainly for italian speakers, but also messages in english language are welcome.
Actually there are three subscribers, but I hope to see grow this community as soon as possible.

Posted by Roberto Guido 2004-07-29

BrainTop 0.0.1 released

In this fase of development, I think that it's better to release sources "early and often": every two weeks (except particular cases) I will release all codes I write, so to update often all those who want to collaborate with the project.
0.0.0 series is a test release, so to define a way to follow for the future: all contributes are welcome!

Posted by Roberto Guido 2004-07-18

BrainTop Concept Prototype 0.2 OUT!

After a month from 0.1, there is 0.2. A new feature (the graphic editor) and some change in the basic data structures.

Posted by Roberto Guido 2004-07-02