After nearly 3 years I've finally dusted off the old code-base and brought it up to date. The software has been updated to take advantage of the .net framework 2.0 as well as SQL Server (the old version used an XML file).
This is a developmental release, and not all features have been completed/tested. A more polished version will be released within the next week or so.
Well it's been far too long since I updating this page. Just so everyone knows, this project is still alive and well. The reason I haven't had a chance to update lately is because I've run into problems overhauling the input/output code. I've eliminated the dependence of DirectX (thus allowing a plugin-system for decoders), and I've written an OpenAL output driver which works quite nicely. The problem I've run into, however, is MP3 decoding. The four libraries I've tried using (with little success) are:... read more
0.4.x is going to mark the last release of brailleamp for a while. I'm currently working on bringing it to the "next level". If anyone finds any bugs let me know and I'll fix them, but otherwise, I'll be working on better support for MP3 files (DirectX has issues with them), allow support for different audio formats, and support for different output types.
Oh, and expect a turbocharged version BrailleAmp to run on *nix too.
I've decided to upgrade BrailleAmp to beta level. The program is nearly feature-complete, and completely stable as far as I can tell. My focus is now turning less on non-trivial additions and more on making the current code work better.
Expect a new version within the next few days
After working feverishly over the last few days I'm proud to release the next advancement in BrailleAmp. The new version has a bunch of additions, including better regular expression support for easier playlist culling, a "beginners" history system, and several new admin commands.
Version 0.2.0 is out. This release fixes a few bugs that I found after the initial release and adds a few minor features. Check the change log for more details!
Well after two days of tweaks, updates, and changes, an alpha of BrailleAmp is ready to be released. If anyone has any feedback/questions/suggestions. Please don't hesisitate to e-mail me.
Well it looks like everything is underway getting this project running. I'm still cleaning up the startup code, but once this is done I'll release an alpha for everyone to take a look at. Check back soon!