
Tree [r35] /

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File Date Author Commit
 bpel-adjustment 2011-10-25 Natallia [r35] Added support of <if> construct
 instrumentation 2011-07-29 samguinea [r30] Added draft version of installation.txt
 COPYING 2011-07-06 zaccog [r1] adding GNU GPL copyright file
 NOTICE 2011-07-06 zaccog [r3] adding license NOTICE file
 README 2011-07-06 zaccog [r4] renamed README.txt to README

Read Me


                             BPEL Management Toolkit
                                Version 0.1.0

   * Introduction
   * Dependencies
   * Release Notes
   * Bug Reports and Feedback
   * Documentation

     Thank you for downloading the latest release of the BPEL Management Toolkit

     This software is the results of the research activities carried on within
     the EU project SLA@SOI ( about the the management of
     services. These results are complementary to the basic features of the
     SLA@SOI framework ( 

     In particular, there are three modules, the Dynamic Orchestration Engine
     (a.k.a. DOE), its instrumentation for configuring runtime sensors, and an
     approach for BPEL adjustment. These extensions can be used to demonstrate
     the capabilities of the platform in a number of situations. These
     contributions make a lot of sense if used in conjunction with the platform
     through manageability agents, but they can also be explopited independently. 
     The platform's boundary consist of the Manageability Agents. Sometimes
     these agents manage service instances that are deployed to ActiveBPEL,
     sometimes they manage service deployed in Axis, and sometimes they manage
     infrastructure services. However these services are not part of the platform.
     It is at this point that the aforementioned features come into play. DOE
     modules are plug in for WS-BPEL compliant orchestration engines in order
     to enable: the dynamic configuration of process bindings by means of rules,
     the execution of abstract processes. The instrumentation allows for the
     runtime configuration of sensors within a deployed and running BPEL process.
     The instrumentation intercepts the process' execution and collects
     information such as messages being sent or received by the process, or
     values of internal variables that represent the process instance's state.
     These runtime information are instrumental in feeding monitoring techniques
     that can be used to keep an eye on the process instance's functional and
     non-functional behaviour, and its compliance to a negotiated SLA. BPEL
     adjustment permits the structural modification of the BPEL process that
     implements the service in those cases when this may be needed.


     No particular dependencies are needed.

Release Notes

     This is the first release.
Bug Reports and Feedback

      To get help write to


     Documentation can be found within the modules of the project themselves.