
Program in Boxedwine SDL window disappears and re-appears

Roy Tam
  • Roy Tam

    Roy Tam - 2017-10-19

    Before reporting the bug, I discovered that boxedwine.exe can run on Windows XP by changing OS Verion and SubSystem Version in boxedwine.exe's PE Header.

    And the program running inside boxedwine disappears and re-appears within Boxedwine SDL window from time to time.

  • James Bryant

    James Bryant - 2017-10-19

    BoxedWine updates the screen several times a second. Does it look like a black screen is drawn for a single frame, like 1/30th of a second? Or does the black screen stay on for several seconds, perhaps until the mouse is moved?

    As for the Windows XP, I'm using Visual Studio 2013 Community Edition. It supports an XP platform tool set target. I changed this in the project, so hopefully the next build you won't have to change the PE Header to make it work. Thanks for the suggestion.

    • Roy Tam

      Roy Tam - 2017-10-20

      It does not trun black, but it shows blueish desktop color and program-on-top disappears.
      And even on Win10, if the mouse cursor acrosses the SDL window border, windows inside SDL window disappear and re-appear(like flashing) and sometimes they doesn't re-appear.


      Last edit: Roy Tam 2017-10-20
  • Jason Stevens

    Jason Stevens - 2017-10-22

    I get this from time to time as well. minimizing the whole thing tends to help as it forces a redraw.

  • James Bryant

    James Bryant - 2017-10-22

    I have some ideas about this, I draw the windows based on a timer, but perhaps wine is in the middle of doing something and I should skip drawing when the windows aren't ready. I'll experiment with this.

  • Jason Stevens

    Jason Stevens - 2017-10-23

    Is there throttle code? When the window is blank, alt tabbing to it will show the CPU at 0Mhz, and after a minute still now redraw, and CPU is at 0...

  • James Bryant

    James Bryant - 2017-10-24

    There is no throttling code. If the CPU is at 0MHz it is because all the emulated threads are in a wait state. You can press scroll lock key and it will print out all the processes and threads along with their stacks. If you're lucky it won't crash :)

    I'm amazed at how much Wine has going on just to launch notepad.


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