bowtie2-inspect crashes for bowtie2 indices downloadable from
$ wget
$ unzip
$ wget '
$ unzip
$ ./bowtie2-2.2.2/bowtie2-inspect hg19 > hg19.fa
bowtie-inspect: reference.cpp:471: int BitPairReference::getStretch(uint32_t*, size_t, size_t, size_t, SStringExpandable<unsigned int,="" 1024,="" 2="">&) const: Assertion `0' failed.
Aborted (core dumped)
This issue has been fixed but not released yet. Until we will release it you can download the latest source code from github ( and build bowtie2 locally.
We apologize for any inconvenience.
This issue is still present in the github code downloaded yesterday, 5/27/2014.
The reference is 2.5G - well under the 4GB limit for 'small' indexing. The index itself is fine - but the issue is that Tophat relies un
, and thus this bug causes failure.If you can tell me which older version if bowtie2-inspect works, I'll gladly grab that one!
Last edit: Matt MacManes 2014-05-28
Thanks for these helpful reports! Val and I just fixed this in the bugs/313 branch, which will be merged imminently. Let me know if it crops up again.