
Broadcom integrated NIC

  • durl

    durl - 2006-11-21

    I seem to be having problems getting any of my Dells with the integrated Broadcom 57xx series NICs to surf. I tried loading the "bcm5700.tar.gz" from the DSL repository by just putting the file on the root of my CD- I can see that it loads the package loads on boot, but it doesn't seem to want to get on the network. I'm just wondering if I'm missing some configuration settings or something. Any help would be appreciated.

    • sentrme

      sentrme - 2006-11-21

      I have been trying to get the Broadcom 57xx NIC to work fro about 3 weeks now.  I am getting really frustrated with it.  I am in the same boat as you.  All I have available to use is Dell computers which all have the Broadcom.  The new DamnSmallLinux supports the broadcom, so I am just about to start rebuilding the entire boothcd.  Except, I am still kind of a newbie to linux.  I have tried multipul ways of getting the Broadcom drives to load on the boothcd, including manually editing the modules.dep and modules.conf.  Nothing seems to work.  Just like you said the drivers seem to be loaded but the NIC is not detected.

      Does anybody have any suggestions on this?  I really need to get these kiosks up and going for a Russia and Germany office in my company.


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