
Remastering for PPP

Alan Rouse
  • Alan Rouse

    Alan Rouse - 2006-04-18

    I have figured out how to remaster the boothbox live cd.  Now I would like to modify it so that it dials up to a specific ppp account at boot time, before launching the browser. 

    I burned a DSL live cd, booted it, and ran the system networking ppp configuration tool from the menu.  I then copied off the resulting /etc/ppp directories and added that under my boothbox directory structure.  I'm guessing I need to call pon or something similar during boot, perhaps in the /etc/inittab file contained in booth-0.3.7.dsl?  I tried that but it didn't seem to attempt to dial. 

    I am doing this on a Thinkpad laptop so I need to have the mwave kernel module loaded (unless it is already loaded..?)  How should I configure it to load the mwave kernel module during boot?

    Any pointers would be very much appreciated.  If I'm completely on the wrong track then by all means tell me.  I'm bracing myself... ;->


    • Alan Rouse

      Alan Rouse - 2006-04-18

      BTW, a requirement is that this boot from a livecd. It will be used on an old Thinkpad laptop with NO hard drive, nor any other writeable storage device.


    • David Collie

      David Collie - 2006-04-20

      You should try logging in using single user mode first to verify all the commands in your script work as expected.  This can be done by typing 'dsl single' at the boot prompt.  The default password for the livecd is 'boothbox'.

      Once you have your script you can remaster the image and place the script in '/etc/init.d'.  Then place a symlink in '/etc/rcS.d' with a name such as 'S39ppp'.


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