Ok, so first of all we've been working on the engine for quite a while, but didn't really have time to document the progress.
The coding has been done using C++ in Visual Studio 2010.
We are currently implementing the engine using the following libraries:
SFML - offers a very easy way of creating a rendering context and access to all the basic requirements of a game: input, sound, networking etc. We chose SFML over SDL because it's object oriented, written in C++ and seems easier to use.
OpenGL - for rendering. In the future we'll also add support for DirectX
Something for unit testing - we didn't decide yet on a tool for unit testing :( Boost seems like a good option.
The engine currently can:
- perform mathematic operations using vectors and matrices
- support multi-threading
- render a scene graph
- assign specific translations and rotations (linear or accelerated) to objects in the scene graph
- move the camera in the game world, using the keyboard
The engine currently has two working threads: main thread for rendering, and another one for updating the positions of the objects in the scene graph based on their individual movements