
boogiewoogie / Blog: Recent posts

Detecting Whether Two AABB Boxes Overlap

Computational Geometry : Detecting Whether Two AABB Boxes Overlap

from :

The acronym AABB is often used for axially-aligned bounding box.
¿axially-aligned¿ means that the sides are parallel to the x- and y-axes;

With very high frequency one answers with the incorrect solution discussed below, work through some examples, and arrive at the correct one. ... read more

Posted by tintouen 2013-05-20

Computational Geometry : 2D Afine Transformation matrixes

Computational Geometry : 2D Afine Transformation matrixes


  • Affine transformations preserve collinearity and relative distancing :
    • points on a line will remain in a line after an affine transformation
    • parallel lines remain parallel
    • relative spacing or distancing,
      (may scale, but will always maintain at a consistent ratio.)
  • Affine transformations allow for repositioning, scaling, skewing and rotation.
  • Things they cannot do include tapering or distorting with perspective.
  • Toutes les transformations affines peuvent se calculer avec des matrices.... read more
Posted by tintouen 2013-05-20

Looking at Casey Duncan's 'Planar'

Looking at Casey Duncan's 'Planar' lib

Posted by tintouen 2013-05-20

Looking at Casey Duncan's 'Grease' code

Looking at Casey Duncan's 'Grease' code

Ref :

Time tracking

[docs] def tick(self, dt):
"""Tick the mode's clock, but only if the world is currently running

    :param dt: The time delta since the last tick
    :type dt: float
    if self.running:
        super(World, self).tick(dt)
... [read more](/p/boogiewoogie/blog/2013/05/looking-at-casey-duncans-grease-code/)
Posted by tintouen 2013-05-20


History of revisions

  • r09

    • module palette --> couleurs et listes de couleurs
    • module grob
      • reorganisation de la fonction move au niveau sup
      • ajout de types de mvt differents
    • module pygloop :
    • module flatmath :
  • r08

    • module pygloop --> classe canvas
    • module grob --> primitives geometriques
    • module flatmath --> math tools... read more
Posted by tintouen 2013-05-20



Regler le pb d'update des AABB pour les objets après leur transformation
Among their many advantages, managed attributes are used
- to protect an attribute from changes or
- to automatically update the values of a dependant attribute.

Logiques possibles en animation.
- comportements individuels
--> gérer les collisions ou non
--> orientation 'jeu video' et 'automates'
- gérer des scenarios en fonction du temps écoulé
--> implémenter une variable temps total
--> voir grease: world est une variable globale
- solution mixte : semi-autonomie + events scénarisés... read more

Posted by tintouen 2013-05-20