
1.1a converted file deleted automatically

Jack Misty
  • Jack Misty

    Jack Misty - 2019-03-09

    i'm new to fre:ac and downloaded it to extract tracks of a flac Cd-backup using the CUE sheet .
    I'm using WIN10 and fre:ac 1.1a, I want to use the wma decoder.
    Flac file and CUE were created using eac.
    I open the CUE in fre:ac
    all tracks are shown and selected
    when I start the conversion, all tracks are worked on.
    Having the the destination folder opened aside fre:ac, I see the track files beeing created but some are immediatly deleted as the next track starts being converted. I end up with 2-6 files out of 14..

    Do I have to make a special setting?

    at the first try (without any changes in the settings) only the destination folder according to name settings was created .
    Second try: 1.track conversion got up to 100% , overall process went to 3% and nothing happend any more. In Explore the created track1 file could not be deleted, as it was still in use by fre:ac, I had to shut dow fre:ac by using Alt+Crtl+Del .
    Some more trys and I came up to 6 created files out of 14 in the flac file

    Thank's for your help.


    Last edit: Jack Misty 2019-03-09
  • Jack Misty

    Jack Misty - 2019-03-09

    I started all over again, deleted the fre:ac folder and downloaded the 1.1a (64bit) version again.
    In new fre:ac download:

    • opened CUE sheet
    • started WMA conversion without entering settings and without changing anything
    • OK all tracks areconverted to WMA in the USER\Music folder

    -> everything fine

    • opened the same CUE sheet again
    • entered settings to check (x) the "Verwende möglichst Eingabedateiordner" option
    • OK to save the settings
    • started WMA conversion
    • Album folder is created in destination foledr
    • 2 files are simultanously written to Album folder
    • as soon as 2 new files start, the 2 first files vanish from the Explorer window
    • this goes on with all the files after file 13 and 14 are finished they disapear and I end up with an empty Album folder.

    looks like there is a bug somewhere



    Last edit: Jack Misty 2019-03-09
  • Robert Kausch

    Robert Kausch - 2019-03-10

    Thank you for reporting this!

    Unfortunately, I was not able to reproduce the issue trying several different combinations of input files and options.

    Could you attach the cue sheet you used here?

    You're using the latest fre:ac 1.1 alpha 20181201a, yes? I'm asking because in earlier versions there was a similar issue with M4A files when using the <directory> placeholder for output filenames.</directory>

  • Jack Misty

    Jack Misty - 2019-03-10

    Downloaded and used this file:
    Audio File was .flac of one complete CD with 14 tracks
    Here's the CUE


    Last edit: Jack Misty 2019-03-10

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