
Can I use Bonding with two PPP Links?

  • jianjunwang

    jianjunwang - 2002-07-21

      I want to use two GPRS Modems to transfer data , so I want to use bonding. as you all say about ethenet cards. so I wondering can I use bonding on two modems?

    • Anonymous

      Anonymous - 2003-01-18

      Yes, you can.  It is  separate package called "eql" and can
      be found here:

      This is the introduction:
        1.  Introduction

        Which is worse? A huge fee for a 56K leased line or two phone lines?
        It's probably the former.  If you find yourself craving more bandwidth,
        and have a ISP that is flexible, it is now possible to bind modems
        together to work as one point-to-point link to increase your
        bandwidth.  All without having to have a special black box on either

        The eql driver has only been tested with the Livingston PortMaster-2e
        terminal server. I do not know if other terminal servers support load-
        balancing, but I do know that the PortMaster does it, and does it
        almost as well as the eql driver seems to do it (-- Unfortunately, in
        my testing so far, the Livingston PortMaster 2e's load-balancing is a
        good 1 to 2 KB/s slower than the test machine working with a 28.8 Kbps
        and 14.4 Kbps connection.  However, I am not sure that it really is
        the PortMaster, or if it's Linux's TCP drivers. I'm told that Linux's
        TCP implementation is pretty fast though.--)

        I suggest to ISPs out there that it would probably be fair to charge
        a load-balancing client 75% of the cost of the second line and 50% of
        the cost of the third line etc...

        Hey, we can all dream you know...


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