
Bomns / News: Recent posts

Bomns is now just Bomns.

That's right, all the software I've written that is NOT Bomns has moved! The new website is and it is awesome. Bomns will go on as the Bomns website, as it should have been from the beginning.

Posted by Charles Lindsay 2005-01-20

a RELEASE (finally!)

And how lame! It's just a win32 othello game with a shoddy AI. I know, I know, it's crappy. Oh well. More coming SOON (-ish)!

Posted by Charles Lindsay 2005-01-06

Asteroids, for the LAST TIME

The "final" version of Asteroids is out: v1.0. It's finally to the point where I'm satisfied with the results of my effort, and that means YOU SHOULD GET IT NOW!

Posted by Charles Lindsay 2003-12-24

holy crap more asteroids!

v0.3 is out; I suggest you get it promptly and tell me what you think of the spiffy new TEXTURED ASTEROIDS!

Posted by Charles Lindsay 2003-12-11

even more asteroids

Asteroids v0.2 is out--I suggest you get it pronto.

Posted by Charles Lindsay 2003-12-04

Asteroids for ALL!

I have just released it; there is absolutely nothing interesting to say about it; it is a Win32 OpenGL version of Asteroids. Get it AT THIS PRECISE MOMENT!

Posted by Charles Lindsay 2003-11-26


I've finally released the ongoing project ChmHelper, which generates CHM index/contents source files based on specific tags within HTML comments. Read about it at our webpage,

Posted by Charles Lindsay 2003-05-06

Get Tai!

Tai stands for Tic tac toe AI. It's a win32 version of the old classic, tic tac toe, that has an AI that plays a perfect game. Soon, I'll combine with NetLib (coming soon!) to evolve a neural net that can play a perfect game of tic tac toe. For now, get Tai, and be amazed.

Posted by Charles Lindsay 2003-04-10

HTMLSaver is here!

Basically, from a local list of files, HTMLSaver retrieves the HTML generated by a server to allow unified design of help docs as .chm and raw HTML.

Read more about it at

Posted by Charles Lindsay 2003-04-03

New Releases!!!

I've taken the time out of my busy schedule (no, I'm really busy) to not only release something I've been holding on to for a while, but also program something entirely new! And update an old bit of goodness! Come download q, a Quake launcher; Tab2sp, a tab to space converter (cooler than it sounds here); and the new version of CRLF32, the CR or LF to CRLF pair converter (as it's better, now). All in all, I've been quite productive tonight!

Posted by Charles Lindsay 2003-02-27

We're back!

...sort of. I got our page back up, minus our news stuff and our about and links pages, but it IS up! No thanks to Jasn! Also, I've given you something to drool over! A preview of DXBomns v2! Well, not really a preview, just a summary of what's nearly complete (not much). Check it out from our downloads page! or


Posted by Charles Lindsay 2002-10-08

DirectX Bomns v1.1.8.0 and the Source Released!

I found a bug in DXBomns v1.0.8.0 as I was commenting the source, so I fixed that, recompiled, and re-uploaded. Also, I'm totally done commenting the source, so I finally released that! Come get 'em!

Posted by Charles Lindsay 2002-03-29

Dead is Here!

I've just released Dead Encryption Suite v0.01, the Win32 executable based on the extremely portable deadlib library, which will EVENTUALLY become a full set of encryption and steganography utilities. Now, it's more of a cryptanalysis tool, but more functionality is coming soon! Get it! Also, DXBomns source is coming soon!

Posted by Charles Lindsay 2002-03-28

DXBomns v1.0.8.0 is here!!!!!

Finally, after SF not liking me last night, I managed to release it. It's the best Bomns game yet! Come get it!

Or, go to our webpage to read about it.

Thanks! --Toxite (

Posted by Charles Lindsay 2002-03-20

Errors in Engrave

I just recently found a glaring error in Engrave, the steganography program released here in Project Bomns. I've fixed it, and re-uploaded, so come get it (again, if you had it before)!

And DirectX Bomns will come out Wednesday (the first day of Spring!), barring unforeseen bugs/errors that I might find in it between now and then. So soon!

Posted by Charles Lindsay 2002-03-19

CRLF and DXBomns

Well, I've just released a new, pointless download, CRLF32. Check it out! It's ALMOST useful. Also, I just feel compelled to say that DXBomns v1.0 is coming within the next week or so (hopefully). Patience!

Posted by Charles Lindsay 2002-03-18

Public Parts

In the interest of... well... there was no interest, but I changed our project description anyway. Here's the old one, for archive's sake:

Bomns is an action/arcade style MS-DOS game, and it is currently being ported, tweaked, and otherwise enhanced. Also released here are several other programs, including an encryption/steganography utility, an Othello game, and several Tron clones.

Check out our new one! Also, I've removed the donate section from our toolbar (as it was, in fact, really lame).

Posted by Charles Lindsay 2002-03-13

DirectX Bomns Beta Released On Sourceforge

After restructuring our project's download section slightly, I released the DXBomns beta here, as well as from:

Download it, test it, and report back to me!

Posted by Charles Lindsay 2002-03-13

Project Undergoing Restructuring

Our project is being somewhat overhauled and revamped, in light of DirectX Bomns being released. Look for more obsolete DXBomns downloads to waste your bandwidth on, as well as a structure of other downloads that makes slightly more sense.

Posted by Charles Lindsay 2002-03-13

It's Here!!!!!

DirectX Bomns has gone beta! Finally! I'm calling everyone who has Win32 and DirectX 8.1 to download it and test it for me. Download the beta test at:

Please tell me what you think! And report errors, bugs, 'n' other stuff. You can do that by emailing me at:


Posted by Charles Lindsay 2002-03-06

Death.cpp Reproduced Here! Come Get It!

Death.cpp, the infamous file that got me suspended from high school, is now available for download! It's got quite a story behind it, too (that is, look at the release notes). Get it!

Posted by Charles Lindsay 2002-02-17

WinLogo Sees the Light of Day!

WinLogo Alpha has just been released. Mind you, this is an old project. I really just felt like releasing something, and ran out of anything ELSE to release. That said, it's kinda cool. Check it out. It's worth the short download.

Posted by Charles Lindsay 2002-02-17

Donations and The Onion

This week's The Onion ( is secretly advertising our beloved project, Bomns! Check it out at Bob Nowell, Contractor, said it first! Although, he horribly misspelled our name. Oh well. Also, keep those donations comin'! (See our page at for details about how YOU can help US fight oppression, feed the hungry, program killer games, and keep all software free of charge.)

Posted by Charles Lindsay 2002-02-13

Lack of News Unprecedented! Cold News Items Stagnating.

In light of a mounting whispers and hushed hints of a growing trend, Project Bomns publicly acknowledged today that no, it hasn't done much of anything lately. "The industry has been in something of a slump, lately," commented Charles Lindsay, one of the project's coordinators. "We just haven't gotten around to doing anything. But don't think there isn't plenty to do--we have more work than we can handle. It's just a matter of us being way too lazy to do any of it." Among the projects that Project Bomns could be working, but isn't, are Bario Mattle, DirectX Bomns, Dead Encryption Suite, Gamma Operator, the much hyped TextEng, and Neu, a neural network tester heretofore without peer. While Jasn Baker, the site's other main coordinator could not be reached for comment, Charles assured us that "he's not working on anything either."

Posted by Charles Lindsay 2002-02-09

World Dominated!

Yes, it's true. Project Bomns has just taken over the entire world! Say goodbye to whatever government you previously followed, as we now rule over all that exists on this planet. Yep, that's right.


Anyway... absolutely NOTHING has happened since ... well... last time you checked. I'm thinking about releasing TextEng v0.001 PreAlpha, but I'd rather just actually COMPLETE something. Anyway... you should hit our webpage at and see what's REALLY up.

Posted by Charles Lindsay 2001-12-14