
Krishnamurti's Book of Life D.Thoughts / News: Recent posts

See KFA's new video about Krishnamurti!

When you click at the "See for yourself" image at the promotion page, you are going to see a new KFA video that introduces you to Jiddu Krishnamurti's bio.
It shows a brief summary of his life and you are going to be able to listen at some of his speeches.

Don't miss this opportunity that since it doesn't depend on me, it may last for very short time!

If you like it, please, write an email to the organization and tell them that you have enjoyed the video.
That might let it last for a longer time...
But as said, it doesn't depend on me.

Posted by Pedro Santelmo 2004-09-17

now an .OPML file for 'Amphetadesk' feeder!

Now, people interested in reading some excerps from Krishnamurti's Book of Life's Daily Thought can come and get their daily news feed by loading an Amphetadesk .ompl file that updates every day. There are also, .xml , .rdf and .rss files for other newsfeeds. Please, visit and choose one!
These excerps are parts of the FREE e-book written in XML and read in JAVA that can be downloaded for every desktop of any platform that supports java! Download it for FREE!

Posted by Pedro Santelmo 2003-09-07

NEW email discussion group wavesinanocean! join FREE has been created to follow a parallel path to Krishnamurti's. Join for FREE and receive by email all the ideas that pop up from its members. You are allowed to speak your mind. "Truth is a pathless land" ...This group has no defined goal.To define is to limit and to limit is to divide... You can also try to subscribe through your news feeder (I think)...

Posted by Pedro Santelmo 2002-05-11

the Good will of the day...

Need a good thought to think during your daily rutine? So, bookmark this page! You won't regret...
(there is also a FREE e-book like app. for your desktop)

Posted by Pedro Santelmo 2002-04-19

Fortune of Good Thinking 4 FREE

There is a new app. at SourceForge to be downloaded.
It is a fortune-style Windows e-book that shows the daily thought from Krishnamurti's Book of Life.He is an actual Indian thinker- Click here! ..
It is a JAVA app with an XML file, all in a single executable file (needs JRE or new Netscape with JAVA enabled). But first, give it a try ON-LINE: Click here!
And bookmark this page for a daily good thought for FREE.

Posted by Pedro Santelmo 2002-04-19