
The 2D game engine "Bokux" / News: Recent posts

A new hope?

Maybe, in the future, 1 month or so, this project will continue after over a year rest.

Posted by Kjell Kristian 2006-05-03

Levedit: We're not dead

We are now proudly to announce that a fully working level editor is out. This is capable of editing maps with 5 layers, for use with the Bokux2D distribution. It is included some sample textures and a sample level. Don't forget to read the Readme...

Posted by Kjell Kristian 2004-11-06


The project has been a little bit delayed because I have been rather busy the last days. Soon(1-3 weeks) I will fix version 0.3.34 as promised.

Posted by Kjell Kristian 2004-09-14

Bokux2D v. 0.3.4 soon

At current moment I'm working on making a GTK Launcher interface working with Bokux2D. Planning making a physics system and a little bit more...

Posted by Kjell Kristian 2004-08-27

0.3.2 out

Finally this version is out. This verion includes a working menu system who is currently constructed. I assume that I would do some bigger changes in the code soon.
To version 0.3.3:
* Music playing possible
* Sound effects
* Possible to walk with the player? (W/O Physics)

To version 0.4:
* It is possible to define keys
* New resource file format
* New bigger testlevel?
* Background music, sound effects?
* Possible to walk(while the physics are being built)
* Save/Load game?
* Heavely update on the Level editor?... read more

Posted by Kjell Kristian 2004-08-21

Menu system and font

Will as fast as possible be included in the next release of Bokux 2D, 0.3.2, who is currently worked on.

I also assume that I will be rather busy the following days.

Posted by Kjell Kristian 2004-08-15

update about files

The files arrived today(or night) and a very early version is out... Currently the code is bugfixed and important features like physics will soon be added.

I prefer that you use this package for looking at, "playing" and learning/understand the code(for future use), since it probably would be heavily changed and improved as soon as possible.

Else the new documentation soon will be uploaded with updates about the level editor

Posted by Kjell Kristian 2004-07-23

Files soon uploaded

A almost runable, not complete code is soon ready for download(I hope) for anyone with interests. Also a homepage soon will be here with documentation.

Posted by Kjell Kristian 2004-07-13