
#66 cpu: ips values


An improper ips value can break things within bochs.
However, when I look at the ips values displayed on the
gui window, I notice a wide range in values that
depends upon the current bochs activities. How do I
select a proper ips value? Take the lowest value?
Take the highest value? Take an average or typical
value? Take the low side of the typical values?

Thank you for your time and assistance.


  • Alexander Schuch

    Logged In: YES

    How can an improper IPS value break things?

    I use the average number when the emulation is idle, that
    is, when DOS is waiting for input or when Windows is doing
    nothing but waiting for input as well. That always worked
    for me.

    By the way: This is not a bug report, but a support request
    that should go in the forums:

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    i have two systems, one really slow and one relatively slow.
    when i accidentially used the ips value from my really slow
    system on the relatively slow system, it broke the video
    device drivers because of timing issues. the problem went
    away when i used a value more typical of my relatively slow

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    i have two systems, one relatively slow and one really slow.
    when i accidentally used an ips value from the really slow
    system on the relatively slow system, it broke the video
    drivers because of timing issues. the problem went away
    when i used a more correct ips value.

  • Stanislav Shwartsman

    Logged In: YES

    Moved to 'Documentation Request'.


    P.S. At least I am using the typical value shown by --show-
    ips option, for example the value that I see when WinXP is
    idle (but not halted), not accessing devices, just running.
    You also always could use 'clock: sync=slowdown' option and
    the IPS value lower than maximum. Then Bochs will run as
    you have the IPS value you selected, i.e. if your CPU
    capable to run Bochs faster, Bochs will consume less CPU
    power and run at same speed.



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