
Best of Both Worlds Mud Engine / News: Recent posts

Version 0.3 - Here we go again...

Right last time I touched this project was when I was still young and foolish :-). Probably still am but anyway... RGunner has since idled out of the project and I am left to do version 0.3. This will be a major rewrite of BoBW's Core using the std:: structures. Primary platforms will be linux and win32 but other ports are welcome. An automake system will be created for linux whilst dev-c++ will be used for win32. For now that's all I can think of... TTFN MP

Posted by Martin Pollard 2003-06-07

BoBW Version 0.2.7

BoBW has made a lot of progress in the version 0.2 series. In the version 0.1 series we started implementing the core unseen stuff like comm's and the like. With the 0.2's we have moved on from that to a situation where you can log in and actually move about in the mud which will save when shutdown. Myself and RGunner are now planning 0.3, any suggestions on what you want to us to make our priorities are welcome.... read more

Posted by Martin Pollard 2001-09-29

BoBW version 0.2.6 - Framework phase complete

Welcome back to BoBW, the quest to create a modernised mud engine!

So what do we have for you today? Well quite a bit, we have now finally completed the major part of the muds framework. By this I mean that an ordinary player can sign in, look at the room, see other people, emote and speak, etc. We have also finally completed some non visible stuff. Rooms and zones now save and load properly. In this current release I have not yet been able to finish the RoomLinks saving system but that will be published in a few days, so don't worry!

Posted by Martin Pollard 2001-09-22

BoBW version 0.2.5

Welcome back to BoBW, the quest to create a modernised mud engine.

Finally the moment that all of us who have been interested in BoBW have been waiting for. The basic Online Room Editing and movement commands are now complete. This version allows you to navigate about the mud normally. Try it out and you'll see what I mean. Room saving should be implimented in the next version.

Posted by Martin Pollard 2001-09-19

BoBW update - 0.2.4

Welcome back to BoBW! We must thank you for your patience, and it has been rewarded.

New rooms can be created and destroyed in this version and the same goes for zones. Neither is saveable yet but we are working on that one.

In the next version I'm planning to work on exits and zone/room saving. Once that is finished we should look like a real mud.


Posted by Martin Pollard 2001-09-01

BoBW's New MD5 Passwords...

Welcome back friends of BoBW. In case you don't already know BoBW is a project to create a completely new mud engine. As the project has been progressing we have been gradually adding new features. Now we have added a platform independant piece of MD5 code to help your users feel confident that you won't be nicking their passwords.

Posted by Martin Pollard 2001-07-26

ANSI Colour!!!!!!! And other things...

In BoBW the quest to create the ultimate mud engine we proudly present in this version...

Coooool ANSI colour for all you colour freaks out there. We also have the say command and the action command (like emotes) for all you rp'ers.


Posted by Martin Pollard 2001-07-20

Version 0.2

Welcome back to BoBW the quest to build the mud engine that takes the best from all others.

In the version 0.2 release we want to move away from building in the more low level stuff and move on to creating the actual playing environment. Basically it's the stuff you see rather than the stuff you don't. In this phase of the project you will see the ability to create fully featured rooms and zones and towards the later part you will begin to see the enhancements finer points of player interaction.... read more

Posted by Martin Pollard 2001-07-20

Our Next Moves in BoBW

Hello again. Welcome back to the Best of Both Worlds mud engine construction project.

In the course of the development of BoBW, we have been suffering from the limitations caused by the way our Linked Lists are managed (IE only one access pointer). No longer! RGunner has been slaving away to develop a new system that will enable the LL's to work properly without causing seg faults and the like.... read more

Posted by Martin Pollard 2001-05-16


Me and RGunner have been away from this project for a while due to other commitments. Now we are back! Expect many changes.

My first task is going to be uploading a new version of BoBW. Version 0.1.2


Posted by Martin Pollard 2001-05-08

Version 0.1.0

Will be availible shortly. We have now completed the basic sockets code. The next phase is beginning. In this stage we will be adding rooms and adding commands to control characters.

Posted by Martin Pollard 2000-12-31

The beginning...

Owen has rewritten the primary files for the project and I will be writing the new sockets code. We will have Steve as the area designer (when we've made areas possible!)

Thats about it for the moment. Owen and I have also been discussing the possiblity of having a primary implimentation mud. Any one interested?

Posted by Martin Pollard 2000-10-18