
Brave New World / News: Recent posts

BNW Downtime

Over the Christmas period the BNW website forum was attacked. The system is currently down, so we kindly request that any users wishing to contact us use the mailing lists for the time being.
Questions/comments can be sent to: bnw-info [AT]

Posted by Jens Rasmussen 2006-01-11

MapEditor version 2.0b

Today, the BNW project released its newest mapeditor, version 2.0b. Version 2.0b is a bugfix release, where alot of bugs from version 2.0a have been fixed. Also some news features have been included. For example load/save funcionality and splashscreen!

Posted by Lasse Dalegaard 2005-04-17

BNW Selects GLScene

After a long period of deliberation, the BNW project has now selected to go with GLScene at the Graphics engine for the project.
GLScene has a lot of the needed features and are one of the relatively few engines that allow good integration with the projects main development language - Delphi.
The change does mean some re-works of the existing mapeditor, but we assume that it will save us consderably more time in the long run.

Posted by Jens Rasmussen 2005-02-18

Happy New Year from BNW

2005 will be an exiting year for the development of Brave New World! We have just recently changed language to English to open the project up for international development, and we will be actively recruiting new members in most departments of the development process.
The langauge change and work so far has been mentioned on Pascal Game Developer December 27th 2004 (, and hopefully a more open project will result in speedier work and wider recognition of Brave New World in 2005.... read more

Posted by Jens Rasmussen 2005-01-06

Changes to the project

Due to limited members of activity in the project it has been decided to use an existing grpahics engine for the game rather than building it from scratch. We are currently investigating options.

Posted by Jens Rasmussen 2004-11-12

Starten paa SF

Saa er projektets web-baserede loesninger alle flyttet over paa sourceforge serverne! Det vil vaere en kaempe fordel for os at kunne bruge CVS systemet til udvikling fremfor at alle filer skal traekkes igennem en normal web-server. Jeg mener derfor at et af vores maal indenfor en rimeligt naer fremtid maa blive at faa instrueret/laert alle brugere omkring brugen af CVS samt at faa oprettet en struktur og flyttet filer over paa denne server.... read more

Posted by Jens Rasmussen 2004-08-24