"BNF for Java" is a compiler and parser/generator for Extended BNF. It implements the meta-language syntax specified by ISO-14977. That is, you can create your own programming language, and write the parser.
Your parser needs emitters to generate its output, and other extensions for special needs for your language, such as lable-table generation. You write these extensions with Java classes, and the software links them at compile time.
Like any compiler, this system uses a run-time engine, module linking, start-up, and run options. Like any compiler, it needs your pre-compiled BNF source syntax and Java extension classes. "BNF-for-Java" does this.
Our Alpha release provides a new Swing Visual GUI so you can easily control your source and target files, as well as compile your BNF parser and Java extensions. It adds debug features, to help you see what your syntax is parsing. And it also provides some debug features.
The ISO-14977 Standard for Extended BNF Meta-language (parser)
is at:
(search for "14977", then click on "downloaded")