
BNF for Java reaches "pre-alpha" milestone.

BNF for Java is now at the "pre-alpha" stage.

Creating and using a computer language is a two-step process, and BNF is a "compiler-compiler".
First, to define your new language, you define the syntax using BNF. The BNF "compiler--" converts that to an executable parser object.
Second, to parse your input text, the BNF "--compiler" analyzes it, and produces some output.

BNF for Java must also compile BNF, so it is a self-compiler.

BNF for Java has reached the "pre-alpha" milestone. The second BNF "--compiler" works by analyzing text like "Hello, Dan!" and producing the user's name, "Dan". The BNF framework, scanner, syntax analyzer, and code emitter work.

The next milestone, the BNF syntax analyzer and extensions, will bring this project to "Alpha".

Currently, the project input to BNF for Java is limited to Command Line, and an XML Project file. These work well, but for the "Beta" release, I want to implement Swing editors for all the input and output files.

Posted by Daniel Cohen 2004-12-09

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