
bMotion / News: Recent posts

bMotion 0.0.7 released

After a four-month delay, bMotion 0.0.7 has now been released. This is mainly a release to fix bugs, with a couple of small feature additions.

Posted by James Seward 2003-08-03

bMotion 0.0.5 released

bMotion is a set of TCL scripts which give your eggdrop a bit more life.

More code has been moved to plugins
Code optimisations
Improved handling for funny nicknames
More flood protection
More intelligent use of configuration files


Posted by James Seward 2003-01-12

bmotion 0.0.4 released

bMotion now supports nick-change plugins, and handles triggering slightly more intelligently. Major problem with plugins not loading on some systems fixed, plus some minor bugs.

Posted by James Seward 2003-01-03

bMotion 0.0.3 Released

bMotion 0.0.3 is now out!

The major change is flood protection is working again now, plus a couple of other bug fixes which have resulted in TCL errors and/or incorrect output to IRC. The code and debug output have also been cleaned up a bit while I was at it.

Posted by James Seward 2002-12-12

bMotion 0.0.2 Released

Hot on the heels of 0.0.1, here's 0.0.2 which fixes a couple of showstopping errors in bMotion's initial release (oops)

Posted by James Seward 2002-11-28

bMotion 0.0.1 Released

This evening (my time :) we announce the release of bMotion 0.0.1, the AI-type script to give your eggdrop a bit of personality. Everyone's invited to give it a go and I'll even send a congratulatory email to the person who finds the most bugs before the next release!

Posted by James Seward 2002-11-26

Initial release this evening

bMotion 0.0.1 will be released this evening (UK time) from CVS so that we have some form of milestone.

Remember you can sign up to the announce or user lists to get these announcements by email.

Posted by James Seward 2002-11-26