
project created

The BeyondMail archiver project was created today.

The intention of the project is to create a translator which makes it easy to create conveniently accessible archives of BeyondMail messages for people who are migrating from BeyondMail to other mail systems.

I am testing an initial, modestly-featured version now, and it should be ready for an alpha
release here within a week or so. I am still
tweaking exactly what sorts of files it outputs,
but a full description will be posted when the
program is made available.

What happens to it after that point depends upon
feedback--it pretty much already does what I need well enough for my personal requirements--but as one of my clients will probably be gradually migrating from BeyondMail over the next year, I will probably be making enhancements for a good portion of that time.


Posted by Matt Wilbert 2001-02-27

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